R package: funGraphs

A simple package to map out dependencies between functions in a directory / package using rlang (in contrast to other regex-based packages). This helps analyse packages and refactor code.

(The package works best for packages with < 50 functions. With larger packages, the diagram would contain too many nodes to be useful.)


21 Jan, 2019

14 Oct, 2018

13 Oct, 2018

Usage 1

# At the package directory
g <- funGraphs::build_pkg_graph()

# It's unlikely the graph-arrangement algorithm can get to exactly what you want; you can move the nodes around as you see fit. Once you are done, you can click 'save', then copy the generated svg string into a file and save it as a SVG file, e.g. "test.svg". To load a SVG file, copy the svg string into the textbox provided, then click 'load'. Note that this is read-only. If you wish to continue modifying the graph, use 'update_graph_from_svg' instead:

g %>% 
  update_graph_from_svg("test.svg") %>% 

Usage 2


# At the package directory
g0 <- build_graph_from_dir("R/")    # Analyse directory and build 

# `prepare_graph` uses `igraph::layout_with_sugiyama` which works well
# with small (<20) number of nodes
g0 %>% 
  prepare_graph() %>%               # Add plotting parameters
  start_app()                       # Display app

# `prepare_graph_Rgraphviz` uses the default in `Rgraphviz` which
# works well for larger number of nodes.
g0 %>% 
  prepare_graph_Rgraphviz() %>%     # Add plotting parameters
  start_app()                       # Display app

Example 1: R package 'funGraphs'

From the diagram, we see that build_graph_from_dir, start_app and prepare_graph_Rgraphvizare at the top level. Indeed, they form the interface of the package. (Note that nodes with the same color are from the same file.)

Example 2: R package 'glue'

From the diagram, we see that glue_collapse and glue_data (and also as_glue.default, [.glue, [[.glue) separate the high-level calls from the low-level functions. From the grouping and naming of the functions, one would guess that

(Minor manual modification, and removal of %||% and an extra .onLoad)

kcf-jackson/funGraphs documentation built on May 9, 2019, 5:48 a.m.