Man pages for kcha193/simarioV2
Discrete-time Dynamic Micro-simulation Framework for R

add_trailing_slashAdds a trailing slash, if required, to character vector
adjustCatVarAdjust categorical values to desired proportions in...
adjustCatVarCalibAdjust categorical values to desired proportions in...
adjustCatVarSimpleAdjust categorical values to desired proportions in...
adjustContVarAdjust continuous values to desired proportions in...
adjustContVarCalibAdjust continuous values to desired proportions in...
adjustContVarSimpleAdjust continuous values to desired proportions in...
adjust.proportionsA wrapper for modifyProps. Subsets by the logiset call the... a list of matrices/vectors by row and column name, so...
append.list.mxAppend two lists of matrices by adding each element of...
append.listsAppend the elements of list.src into the corresponding...
applyAllCatAdjustmentsToSimframeApply categorical adjustments to simframe.
applyCatAdjustmentToSimframeApply categorical adjustments to simframe.
applyCatAdjustmentToSimframeVarMultipleBinaryAdjust the proportions of a simframe variable that exists in...
applyCatAdjustmentToSimframeVarSingleAdjust the proportions of a single simframe variable.
applyContAdjustmentToSimframeApply continuous adjustments to simframe.
as.arrayFromListconvert list of vectors to an array. Recycling rule will be...
as_array_list_mxConvert a list of matrices into an array, with each matrix in...
as.csv.stringProduces a csv string from x, returned as a length 1 chr...
as.csv.string.listApply to a list using the names from the list
as_data_frame_list_as_isConvert list to dataframe simply by setting class attr This...
as.matrixFromListConverts a list of same length vectors to a matrix. Unlike...
assertStops and displays indices of any element that is FALSE.
assign_valuesAssign the values of variables (specifed by name in a source...
binDivides x into bins specified by breaks or a bin size
binary.levels.combineCombine levels specified in seperate binary level variables...
binary.levels.splitCreate a list of binary levels from factors. Compares a...
change.catChange values in a categorical vector to a lower or higher...
checkModelVarsChecks that the variables used in all of the models exist in...
checkNAsCheck a list for any NAs, producing error if they exist,...
checkOutcomeVarsChecks that the outcome variables have a source variable in...
check.subgroup.exprCheck number of valid subgroup while applying cat.adjustment
c_listSelect inner elements of a list of lists, and return as a new...
cmatchReturn the category names for a vector of coded values. If no...
cmatchFlattenedReturns the category names for the vector of flattened codes.
cnamesLookupReturns the names of the codings for the supplied variables....
COLCOL constant = 2.
combine.and.reorderCombines and reorders (so correct original order) after...
copyMeta.listcopy names of dimensions and meta attributes from elements of...
create2CategoryPropensityArrayCreate a propensity array from a dataframe, for a variable...
createAdjustmentMatricesCategorical adjusment
createAdjustmentMatrixCreates an empty adjustment matrix of NAs. An adjustment...
createAgeRangeCreate the descriptions of the dictionary object. Called by...
createCodingsCreate the codings of the dictionary object. Called by new().
createDescriptionsCreate the descriptions of the dictionary object. Called by...
createDictCreate a dictionary object.
createEmptyCatAdjustmentsCreate empty categorical variable adjustment matrices.
createGLMCreate a generalized linear model from a model dataframe that...
createOutcomeMatricesCreate a list of empty outcome matrix variables for a...
createOutputMatrixCreate a matrix of NA with specified col/row names/lengths.
createSimenvCreate new simenv object Simenv object - a simulation...
createSimmoduleCreates a Simulation module object.
createSingleIterationPropensityArrayCreate a propensity array from a dataframe, for only a single...
detachReturnDetach an environment and return it. NB: the returned...
dimnames_prepend_headerPush row/col headers (ie: names of the rownames and colnames)...
dlookupLookup description of variable x in the dictionary first...
dlookup_existsA version of dlookup that can be use to see if a given...
errCalc the 95% error from the t Distribution.
eval.listEvaluate a list/vector of strings as expressions. Errors if...
evaluateLogisetExprAttributeEvaluate logiset expression attribute for the variable.
file_extensionReturns the file extension, i.e: everything after the final...
flatten_mxlists_to_arrayConvert a list of lists of matrices to an array, as follows:...
flatten_mxs_to_single_mxTakes a list of matrices, flattens them into a single row,...
flatten_mx_to_rowFlatten a vector or matrix (r,c) into a single row matrix...
getOutcomeVarsGet a set of outcome variables from the simframe.
globalSave x into global variable as it's own name.
globalNamedSave x into global variable, ie: top frame, not just this...
incByFactorIncrements x by factor
is.alpha.onlyTRUE for elements that only contain alpha characters, ie:...
is_level_varCheck if each element of a character vector has the trailing...
isListOfNullsTrue if all list members are NULL
is.model.varChecks which models, in a list of models, contain a specified...
is_numeric_scalarReturns whether x is a scalar (i.e. length 1) and numeric.
labelColFromVecset the columns names of each x in xlist to each char vector...
labelCols.listSet the colnames on each object in a list. By default will...
labelColTitleFromListnames each object's column title with the object's name in...
labelTitlenames the "along" dimension with "title" eg: labelTitle(y,... lapply with a list of arguments to FUN specified as the...
lapply.innerApply a function to the inner element of a list of lists.
lapply.subsetExecutes .FUN on the specified varnames in X and return the...
lapply.subset.appendExecute a function over a subset of a list, and merges the... lapply.subset.append to each element of lol, using the...
loadGLMCSVLoad and create a GLM from a csv file. See 'createGLM' for...
loadMergedFileLoads and merges a CSV/XLS file with the supplied values...
loadSimFrameCreates a simulation frame. A simulation frame is the set of...
lzipTakes a list of lists, and combines the corresponding...
lzipperTakes a list of lists, and applies a function to the...
mem.lxReturn amount of memory, in bytes, used by each element of a...
mergeAndRemoveKeyColumnMerges (ie: join) on a key column and returns merged rows,... any number of 2D matrices, each with the same number of... any number of 2D matrices, each with the same number of...
meta.addAdd a meta attribute. Appends to existing meta attribute, if...
meta.add.list.varnameAppends a "varname" meta element to the meta of each element...
model_coefs_names_uniqueGet the unique set of names of model coefs for the supplied...
modelVariableCoefsReturn the coefficients used in the supplied model.
modelVariableNamesReturn the variables used in the supplied terms. Removes...
modifyPropsChange the default simulated values to proportions requested...
modifyPropsAsBinLevelsTakes a categorical var specified in separate binary level...
modifyPropsContinuousRuns modifyProps on a continuous variable Takes a continuous...
modifypropsVarSingle_on_subsetCalls modifyProps on a subset, returning the whole vector,...
namedListCreate a named list of NULL elements.
namedMatrixCreate a matrix of NA with specified col/row names/lengths.
nsortSort numerically. If x can be represented numerically, then...
order_by_dlookupOrder the list by the results returned applying dlookup to...
predictOrdinalCalculates the predicted probabilities (from an ordinal...
predictSimarioPredict. Looks in envir for variables specified by model,...
predLogisticPredict probabilities from the coefficients of a logistic...
predMultinomialPredict probabilities from the coefficients of a multinomial...
predSimBinPredict and simulate binary value from logistic model
predSimBinomPredict and simulate binary value from binomial distribution...
predSimBinomJointPredict and simulate binary value from binomial distribution...
predSimBinomsSelectPredict and simulate binary value from 2 binomial models.
predSimBinomsSelect3Models_notChangeScoresPredict and simulate binary value from 3 binomial models.
predSimBinomsSelect_notChangeScoresPredict and simulate binary value from 2 binomial models.
predSimModSelectPredict and simulate value from n models.
predSimMultinomialPredict and simulate value from a multinomial model...
predSimNBinomPredict and simulate continuous value from negative binomial...
predSimNBinomsSelectPredict and simulate value from n negative binomial models....
predSimNBinomsSelect3ModelsPredict and simulate value from 3 normal models.
predSimNormPredict and simulate continuous value from normal...
predSimNormsSelectPredict and simulate value from n normal models.
predSimNormsSelect3ModelsPredict and simulate value from 3 normal models.
predSimNormsSelectWithRoundingPredict and simulate value from n normal models with...
predSimPoisPredict and simulate continuous value from poisson model
read_csvReads a CSV file.
read_fileRead a file and return a dataframe.
redim.mxRe-dimension a matrix. Takes the matrix mx and transforms it...
remove.colsRemove cols specified by indices.
remove.cols.namedRemove cols by name.
remove.elementsRemove named elements from list
removeGlobalSubgroupFilterExpressionClear the subgroup expression for all cat.adjustments.
remove.NA.colsRemove columns that contain all NAs.
remove_rows_by_indexRemove rows specified by indices
remove.rows.namedRemove rows by name. cols that contain all zeros. rows that contain all zeros. a result row and returns the means and error amounts as...
rmallRemove all objects in global environment.
ROWROW constant = 1.
selectFixedOutcomeIfSetChecks whether a fixed vector of values should be used...
select.row.list.mxSelect only the specified row from each matrix in a list, and...
setGlobalSubgroupFilterExpressionSet the subgroup expression to all cat.adjustments if the...
simariosimario is a framework for executing multi-run dynamic...
simulateRunSimulate outomes and store them in the outcomes list.
simulateSimarioPerform a simulation of X runs using parallel computing.
strip.alphaRemove any alpha from character vector, leaving only numbers.
strip.alpha.mxRemove any alpha from row and col names, leaving only...
stripClassRemove class attribute from an object
stripEmptyRemove empty values from vector
strip_lvl_suffixRemove trailing "LvlX" (if any) where X is any character
stripMetaRemove meta attribute from an object
stripMeta.listRemove meta attribute from a list
strip.numericRemove any numbers from character vector, leaving only alpha.
subsetFirstDimensionSubset the first dimension, returning the same number of...
tableBuilderReturns a dataset for use in a table by the Table Builder...
tableBuilderNewReturns a dataset for use in a table by the Table Builder...
table.catvarProduce a proportioned table for x, using the specified...
table.catvar.with.CIThis is the version for table.catvar() with confidence...
table.contvarDisplay a vector of continuous values in a table using the...
table.contvar.with.CIThis is the version for table.contvar() with confidence...
trimRemove leading and trailing spaces from a string
tryerrorMsgsReturn the messages of any element that is a try-error
updatelistUpdate dest with the values in src, removing any values from...
withinfuncSame as within, but the expr executed is a function. Unlike...
ZDIMZDIM constant = 3.
kcha193/simarioV2 documentation built on April 8, 2024, 4:51 p.m.