
How to insert tex code math equation into R help file with some hacks

the Rd file doesn't support tex code


so here is the steps to hack:

Step 1: generate the Rd file through roxygen2::roxygenise()

Step 2: go to https://www.codecogs.com/eqnedit.php to type in the equation with tex code

Step 3: copy the html (Edit) source code from the buttom of the page

Step 4: replace tag "a" with tag "center" in the copied html code

Step 5: paste the html code into the Rd file, for example,

The robust EWMA mean algorithm has the form

<center href="https://www.codecogs.com/eqnedit.php?latex=\hat{\mu}_t&space;=&space;\hat{\mu}_{t-1}&space;&plus;&space;(1-\lambda)\hat{\sigma}_{t-1}\psi_{\texttt{hub}}&space;\left(\frac{x_t-\hat{\mu}_{t-1}}{\hat{\sigma}_{t-1}}\right)" target="_blank"><img src="https://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?\hat{\mu}_t&space;=&space;\hat{\mu}_{t-1}&space;&plus;&space;(1-\lambda)\hat{\sigma}_{t-1}\psi_{\texttt{hub}}&space;\left(\frac{x_t-\hat{\mu}_{t-1}}{\hat{\sigma}_{t-1}}\right)" title="\hat{\mu}_t = \hat{\mu}_{t-1} + (1-\lambda)\hat{\sigma}_{t-1}\psi_{\texttt{hub}} \left(\frac{x_t-\hat{\mu}_{t-1}}{\hat{\sigma}_{t-1}}\right)" /></center>


this hack depends on the codecogs.com's tex 2 html engine

kecoli/PCRM documentation built on May 7, 2022, 9:33 a.m.