
Defines functions addGGOptima

Documented in addGGOptima

#' Add (Known) Local Optima of Smoof Functions to Gradient Field Heatmap.
#' @description
#'   If the underlying single-objective functions are \code{smoof}-functions,
#'   extract their local optima and add them to the gradient field heatmap.
#' @template arg_ggplot
#' @template arg_fni
#' @param fn3 [\code{\link{function}}]\cr
#'   The third objective (if existing) used for computing the multi-objective gradient.
#' @param symbol1 [\code{\link{integer}(1L) | \link{character}(1L)}]\cr
#'   Symbol used for indicating the local optima of the first objective
#'   (default: \code{21L}, i.e., a filled circle).
#' @param symbol2 [\code{\link{integer}(1L) | \link{character}(1L)}]\cr
#'   Symbol used for indicating the local optima of the second objective
#'   (default: \code{22L}, i.e., a filled square).
#' @param symbol3 [\code{\link{integer}(1L) | \link{character}(1L)}]\cr
#'   Symbol used for indicating the local optima of the third objective
#'   (default: \code{24L}, i.e., a filled triangle).
#' @param ... [any]\cr
#'   Further arguments to be passed to the \code{geom_tile} function of \code{ggplot}.
#' @return [\code{ggplot}]\cr
#'   A \code{ggplot} object displaying the multi-objective gradient landscape.
#' @examples
#' # Define two single-objective test problems and a grid of points:
#' fn1 = smoof::makeBBOBFunction(dimension = 2L, fid = 1L, iid = 1L)
#' fn2 = smoof::makeBBOBFunction(dimension = 2L, fid = 1L, iid = 2L)
#' points = as.matrix(expand.grid(x1 = seq(0, 1, 0.05), x2 = seq(0, 1, 0.05)))
#' \dontrun{
#' # Compute the corresponding gradients and the cumulated path lengths:
#' gradients = computeGradientField(points, fn1, fn2)
#' x = computeCumulatedPathLengths(points, gradients)
#' # Visualize the resulting multi-objective "landscape":
#' g = ggplotHeatmap(x)
#' g
#' # Add "pink" symbols to the optima of the respective objectives:
#' addGGOptima(g, fn1, fn2, size = 6, fill = "hotpink")
#' }
#' @export
addGGOptima = function(g, fn1, fn2, fn3,
  symbol1 = 21L, symbol2 = 22L, symbol3 = 24L, ...) {

  assertClass(x = g, classes = "ggplot")
  df.optima = NULL
  if (!missing(fn1)) {
    assertClass(fn1, "smoof_function")
    x.opt = smoof::getLocalOptimum(fn1)$params
    if (is.null(x.opt)) {
      x.opt = smoof::getGlobalOptimum(fn1)$param
    if (!is.null(x.opt)) {
      df.optima = rbind(df.optima, cbind(x.opt, obj = "fn1", shp = symbol1))
  if (!missing(fn2)) {
    assertClass(fn2, "smoof_function")
    x.opt = smoof::getLocalOptimum(fn2)$params
    if (is.null(x.opt)) {
      x.opt = smoof::getGlobalOptimum(fn2)$param
    if (!is.null(x.opt)) {
      df.optima = rbind(df.optima, cbind(x.opt, obj = "fn2", shp = symbol2))
  if (!missing(fn3)) {
    assertClass(fn3, "smoof_function")
    x.opt = smoof::getLocalOptimum(fn3)$params
    if (is.null(x.opt)) {
      x.opt = smoof::getGlobalOptimum(fn3)$param
    if (!is.null(x.opt)) {
      df.optima = rbind(df.optima, cbind(x.opt, obj = "fn3", shp = symbol3))
  if (!is.null(df.optima)) {
    g = g +
      geom_point(data = df.optima, mapping = aes_string(x = "x1", y = "x2", shape = "shp"), ...) +
kerschke/mogsa documentation built on July 11, 2019, 11:52 p.m.