General Features of This Package

The RpackageCoursera aims to analyze data on incidents from NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) (link to data This package contains a total of 5 functions: fars_map_state, fars_read, fars_read_years, fars_summarize_years and make_filename. At the time of reading the data, it is assumed that the files are in the NHTSA standard format.

Next, this document shows how to use the 5 functions.

Function Descriptions


The fars_map_state function receives the number and year of the state as input and creates a graph with the location of the fatal injuries for the selected state and year.

Correct way to use the fars_map_state function

fars_map_state(2, 2013)

Incorrect ways to use the fars_map_state function

fars_map_state("2013, 2")
fars_map_state("2, 2013")
fars_map_state("2", 2013)
fars_map_state("2", "2013")
fars_map_state(2, "2013")


The fars_read function reads the FARS data and returns a dataframe.

Correct way to use the fars_read function

fars_read("data.csv") # where "data.csv" is the FARS data archive


The fars_read_years function is an auxiliary function used by fars_summarize_years that reads FARS data stored as csv for the provided input years (taken as list or vector) and returns a list, for each year the corresponding element of the list will be a tibble with number of rows equal to the number of observations and two columns: MONTH and year.

Correct way to use the fars_read_years function

fars_read_years(c(2014, 2015))

Incorrect ways to use the fars_read_years function

fars_read_years(c("2014, 2015"))
fars_read_years(c("2014", 2015))
fars_read_years(c(2014, "2015"))


The fars_summarize_years function receives a list of as input, reads the respective data from the working directory and returns a summary table that contains the number of accidents grouped by year and month from the specified list of years.

Correct way to use the fars_summarize_years function

fars_summarize_years(c(2014, 2015))

Incorrect ways to use the fars_summarize_years function

fars_summarize_years(c("2014, 2015"))
fars_summarize_years(c("2014", 2015))
fars_summarize_years(c(2014, "2015"))


This function takes the year as either a string or an integer as input and returns the file name of the FARS data stored as csv and returns a file name from a table that contains a slide of data from the NHTSA FARS of desired year.

Correct way to use the make_filename function


kevin444/RpackageCoursera documentation built on June 29, 2020, 12:54 a.m.