tof_assess_clusters_knn: Assess a clustering result by calculating a cell's cluster...

View source: R/quality_control.R

tof_assess_clusters_knnR Documentation

Assess a clustering result by calculating a cell's cluster assignment to that of its K nearest neighbors.


This function evaluates the result of a clustering procedure by finding the cell's K nearest neighbors, determining which cluster the majority of them are assigned to, and checking if this matches the cell's own cluster assignment. If the cluster assignment of the majority of a cell's nearest neighbors does not match with the cell's own cluster assignment, the cell is flagged as potentially anomalous.


  marker_cols = where(tof_is_numeric),
  num_neighbors = min(10, nrow(tof_tibble)),
  distance_function = c("euclidean", "cosine", "l2", "ip"),
  augment = FALSE



A 'tof_tbl' or 'tibble'.


An unquoted column name indicating which column in 'tof_tibble' stores the cluster ids for the cluster to which each cell belongs. Cluster labels can be produced via any method the user chooses - including manual gating, any of the functions in the 'tof_cluster_*' function family, or any other method.


Unquoted column names indicating which column in 'tof_tibble' should be interpreted as markers to be used in the mahalanobis distance calculation. Defaults to all numeric columns. Supports tidyselection.


An integer indicating how many neighbors should be found during the nearest neighbor calculation.


A string indicating which distance function should be used to perform the k nearest neighbor calculation. Options are "euclidean" (the default) and "cosine".


A boolean value indicating if the output should column-bind the computed flags for each cell (see below) as new columns in 'tof_tibble' (TRUE) or if a tibble including only the computed flags should be returned (FALSE, the default).


If augment = FALSE (the default), a tibble with 2 columns: ".knn_cluster" (a character vector indicating which cluster received the majority vote of each cell's k nearest neighbors) and "flagged_cell" (a boolean value indicating if the cell's cluster assignment matched the majority vote (TRUE) or not (FALSE)). If augment = TRUE, the same 2 columns will be column-bound to tof_tibble, and the resulting tibble will be returned.


sim_data <-
        cd45 = c(rnorm(n = 1000, sd = 1.5), rnorm(n = 1000, mean = 2), rnorm(n = 1000, mean = -2)),
        cd38 = c(rnorm(n = 1000, sd = 1.5), rnorm(n = 1000, mean = 2), rnorm(n = 1000, mean = -2)),
        cd34 = c(rnorm(n = 1000, sd = 1.5), rnorm(n = 1000, mean = 2), rnorm(n = 1000, mean = -2)),
        cd19 = c(rnorm(n = 1000, sd = 1.5), rnorm(n = 1000, mean = 2), rnorm(n = 1000, mean = -2)),
        cluster_id = c(rep("a", 1000), rep("b", 1000), rep("c", 1000))

knn_result <-
    sim_data |>
        cluster_col = cluster_id,
        num_neighbors = 10

keyes-timothy/tidytof documentation built on May 7, 2024, 12:33 p.m.