
#' Test the test_nba_boxplot.R Function
#' @description
#' Test inputs edge cases for nba_nba_boxplot.
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' test_nba_boxplot ()
test_nba_boxplot <- function() {

  test_that('Plot should use geom_boxplot and map stats to x-axis, and position/teams to y-axis.', {
    nba_2018 <- data.frame(POS= c("C", "FOR", "PO","FOR", "C"), Team = c("ORL", "UTAH", "LAC", "MIN", "BOS"), GP = c(3, 5, 5, 2, 1))
    plot1 <- nba_boxplot(nba_2018, position= "POS", teams= NULL, stats= "GP")
    expect_true("GeomBoxplot" %in% c(class(plot1$layers[[1]]$geom)))
    expect_true("POS"  == rlang::get_expr(plot1$mapping$x))
    expect_true("GP" == rlang::get_expr(plot1$mapping$y))

  test_that('Plot should use geom_boxplot and map stats to x-axis, and position/teams to y-axis.', {
    nba_2018 <- data.frame(POS= c("C", "FOR", "PO","FOR", "C"), Team = c("ORL", "UTAH", "LAC", "MIN", "BOS"), GP = c(3, 5, 5, 2, 1))
    plot2<- nba_boxplot(nba_2018, teams= c("ORL", "UTAH", "MIN", "BOS"), stats= "GP")
    expect_true("GeomBoxplot" %in% c(class(plot2$layers[[1]]$geom)))
    expect_true("Team"  == rlang::get_expr(plot2$mapping$x))
    expect_true("GP" == rlang::get_expr(plot2$mapping$y))

  test_that("position should be integer value",{
    nba_2018 <- data.frame(POS= c("C", "FOR", "PO","FOR", "C"), Team = c("ORL", "UTAH", "LAC", "MIN", "BOS"), GP = c(3, 5, 5, 2, 1))
    p <- nba_boxplot(nba_2018, position= "POS", teams= NULL, stats= "GP")
    expect_type(p$data$POS, "integer")

  test_that("stats should be numeric value",{
    nba_2018 <- data.frame(POS= c("C", "FOR", "PO","FOR", "C"), Team = c("ORL", "UTAH", "LAC", "MIN", "BOS"), GP = c(3, 5, 5, 2, 1))
    p <- nba_boxplot(nba_2018, position= "POS", teams= NULL, stats= "GP")
    expect_type(p$data$GP, "double")

  test_that("Not inputting a position or teams input will result in a error, must input one", {
    nba_2018 <- data.frame(POS= c("C", "FOR", "PO","FOR", "C"), Team = c("ORL", "UTAH", "LAC", "MIN", "BOS"), GP = c(3, 5, 5, 2, 1))
    expect_error(nba_boxplot(nba_2018, stats= "GP"))

  test_that("Inputting both position or teams input will result in a error, must input one", {
    nba_2018 <- data.frame(POS= c("C", "FOR", "PO","FOR", "C"), Team = c("ORL", "UTAH", "LAC", "MIN", "BOS"), GP = c(3, 5, 5, 2, 1))
    expect_error(nba_boxplot(nba_2018, position= "POS", teams= c("ORL", "UTAH", "LAC", "MIN", "BOS"), stats= "GP"))

  test_that("This column use in stats input is not in the dataset.", {
    nba_2018 <- data.frame(POS= c("C", "FOR", "PO","FOR", "C"), Team = c("ORL", "UTAH", "LAC", "MIN", "BOS"), GP = c(3, 5, 5, 2, 1))
    expect_error(nba_boxplot(nba_2018, position= "POS", teams= NULL, stats= "GPR"))

  test_that("Error: stats must take in a numerical column", {
    nba_2018 <- data.frame(POS= c("C", "FOR", "PO","FOR", "C"), Team = c("ORL", "UTAH", "LAC", "MIN", "BOS"), GP = c(3, 5, 5, 2, 1))
    expect_error(nba_boxplot(nba_2018, position= "POS", teams= NULL, stats= "POS"))


kfoofw/test_githubactions documentation built on March 14, 2020, 12:05 a.m.