Man pages for kidusasfaw/spatPomp
Inference for Spatiotemporal Partially Observed Markov Processes

abfAdapted Bagged Filter (ABF)
abfirAdapted Bagged Filter with Intermediate Resampling (ABF-IR)
arma_benchmarkCalculated log-ARMA log-likelihood benchmark for spatPomp...
as_data_frameCoerce to data frame
bmBrownian motion spatPomp simulator
bm2Brownian motion spatPomp generator with shared or...
bm2_kalman_logLikExact log-likelihood for Brownian motion spatPomp generator...
bm_kalman_logLikExact log-likelihood for Brownian motion spatPomp generator
bpfilterBlock particle filter (BPF)
city_data_UKCity data in the United Kingdom
concConcatenate spatPomp objects into a listie
dunit_measuredunit_measure 'dunit_measure' evaluates the unit measurement...
enkfGeneralized Ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF)
eunit_measureExpectation of the measurement model for one unit
gbmGeometric Brownian motion spatPomp simulator
girfGuided intermediate resampling filter (GIRF)
he10Measles in UK: spatPomp generator with shared or...
he10coordinatesCity data in the United Kingdom
he10demographyDemographic data for 20 towns in the United Kingdom
he10measlesMeasles in the United Kingdom
he10mleMeasles in the United Kingdom: MLE from He et al (2010)
ibpfIterated block particle filter (IBPF)
ienkfIterated ensemble Kalman filter (IEnKF)
igirfIterated guided intermediate resampling filter (IGIRF)
iubfIterated Unadapted Bagged Filter (IUBF)
listielistie: List-like objects
loglikLog likelihood extractor
lorenzLorenz '96 spatPomp constructor
measlesMeasles in UK spatPomp generator
measles2Measles in UK: spatPomp generator with shared or...
measlesUKMeasles in the United Kingdom
munit_measureMatching moments for the unit measurement model
param_formatsBook-keeping functions for working with expanded parameters
plotPlot methods for 'spatPomp' objects
printPrint methods
runit_measureRandom draw from the measurement model for one unit
simulateSimulation of a spatiotemporal partially-observed Markov...
spatPompConstructor of the spatPomp object
spatPomp-classAn S4 class to represent a spatiotemporal POMP model and...
spatPomp_CsnippetC snippets
spatPomp-packageInference for SpatPOMPs (Spatiotemporal Partially Observed...
unit_namesUnit names of a spatiotemporal model
vec_dmeasureVector of unit measurement densities for each unit
vec_rmeasureVector simulating measurements for each unit using...
vunit_measureConditional variance of the measurement on a single unit
kidusasfaw/spatPomp documentation built on Nov. 20, 2024, 9:36 a.m.