
Defines functions fpca.score.fixed

  ##estimated conditional principal component scores (BLUPs): \hat{E(\xi_k|Y)}, k=1,...,K
  ##     data.m -- data matrix; same as input for fpca.mle
  ##     grids.u -- grid of time points used in evaluating the mean and eigenfunctions (on the original scale); (returned by fpca. mle)
  ##     muhat,eigenvals, eigenfuncs, sig2hat -- (estimated) mean, eigenvalues, eigenfunctions and noise variance; (returned by fpca.mle)
  ##     K -- number of eigenfunctions used in the model, i.e., (estimated) dimension of the process
  ##return: first K conditional PC scores (the BLUP estimates): n by K
  n<-length(temp)             ##     number of curves;
  m.l<-as.vector(temp)        ##     m.l -- number of time points per curve
  result<-matrix(0,n,K)       ##First K FPC scores for each subject

  N <- length(grids.u)        ## number of time points on the grid
  evalmat <- diag(eigenvals[1:K])  ## diagonal matrix of the first K (estimated) eigenvalues
  current <- 0  ## current index
  eigenfuncs.u<-t(eigenfuncs)   ## dimmension: grid_length by K

  data.u<-matrix(as.numeric(as.vector(as.matrix(data.m[,-1]))),nrow=nrow(data.m[,-1]),ncol=ncol(data.m[,-1]))     ##convert obs matrix to be numierc

  for (i in 1:n){
    Y <- as.vector(data.u[(current+1):(current+m.l[i]),1])  ## observed  measurements of ith curve
    meastime <- data.u[(current+1):(current+m.l[i]),2] ## measurement times of the ith curve
    gridtime <- ceiling(N*meastime)   ## project measurement time onto the grid
    gridtime[gridtime <= 0] = 1 #quickfix
    muy <- muhat[gridtime]
    Phiy  <- matrix(eigenfuncs.u[gridtime,1:K],ncol=K)
    Sigy <- Phiy %*% evalmat %*% t(Phiy) + sig2hat * diag(m.l[i])
    result[i,] <- evalmat %*% t(Phiy) %*% solve(Sigy,temp.y)
    current <- current + m.l[i]
  row.names(result) = levels(data.m[,1])[as.numeric(names(temp))]
  #  list(scores = result, ids = ] )
kidzik/fcomplete documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 5:44 a.m.