Man pages for kieranrcampbell/clonealign
Assigning scRNA-seq to clone-of-origin using copy number from ultra-low-depth scDNA-seq

clonealignAssign scRNA-seq to clone-of-origin
clone_assignmentComputes map clone assignment given EM object
compute_ca_fit_mseCompute mean squared error of a clonealign fit
compute_correlationsPost-hoc compute correlations between copy number and...
construct_ai_likelihoodConstruct allele specific complete data likelihood
df_cnvExample raw copy number data
example_clonealign_fitExample clonealign_fit
example_sceExample SingleCellExperiment
get_outlying_genesGet outlier genes
inference_tflowEM inference with tensorflow
plot_clonealignPlot gene expression and copy number
preprocess_for_clonealignPreprocess data for input to clonealign
print.clonealign_fitPrint a clonealign_fit
process_cnv_dataPreprocess copy number data
process_gene_expression_dataCheck and pre-process gene expression data
recompute_clone_assignmentRe-computes map clone assignment at a given threshold
round2Round a number to two significant figures
run_clonealignRun clonealign across a range of initializations
saturateSaturate a copy number matrix above a certain threshold
kieranrcampbell/clonealign documentation built on Dec. 18, 2020, 3:49 a.m.