
Defines functions as.hi physical virtual maxindex poslength maxlength filename pattern is.readonly is.open pagesize vmode as.vmode finalizer finalize delete deleteIfOpen clone as.ff as.ram as.ffdf dimorder vw recodeLevels sortLevels add swap symmetric fixdiag bigsample vt

Documented in add as.ff as.ffdf as.hi as.ram as.vmode bigsample clone delete deleteIfOpen dimorder filename finalize finalizer fixdiag is.open is.readonly maxindex maxlength pagesize pattern poslength recodeLevels sortLevels swap symmetric vmode vt vw

# New generic functions for ff (and R.ff)
# (c) 2007 Jens Oehlschlägel
# Licence: GPL2
# Provided 'as is', use at your own risk
# Created: 2007-08-24
# Last changed: 2007-10-25

# source("d:/mwp/eanalysis/ff/R/generics.R")

# coerce to hybrid index (part of the HIP concept)
as.hi <- function(x, ...){

# physical and virtual features of an object
if (!exists("physical"))
  physical <- function(x)UseMethod("physical")
if (!exists("physical<-"))
  "physical<-" <- function(x, value)UseMethod("physical<-")
if (!exists("virtual"))
  virtual <- function(x)UseMethod("virtual")
if (!exists("virtual<-"))
  "virtual<-" <- function(x, value)UseMethod("virtual<-")

# complementing 'length' generic
if (!exists("maxindex"))
  maxindex  <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("maxindex")  # max possible index length (required for negative indices)
if (!exists("poslength"))
  poslength <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("poslength") # length of selected elements (even for negative indices)
maxlength <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("maxlength") # max physical length
#maxwidth <- function (x, ...)UseMethod("maxwidth")  # max width of fixed char (fffc)

# further physical and readonly attributes
filename    <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("filename")    # (physical attribute, part of the HCS concept)
"filename<-" <- function(x, ..., value)UseMethod("filename<-")    # (physical attribute, part of the HCS concept)
pattern    <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("pattern")    # (physical attribute, part of the HCS concept)
"pattern<-" <- function(x, ..., value)UseMethod("pattern<-")    # (physical attribute, part of the HCS concept)
is.readonly <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("is.readonly") # (physical attribute, part of the HCS concept)
is.open     <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("is.open")     # readonly
pagesize    <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("pagesize")     # readonly

# querying and coercing vmode (physical attribute, part of the HCS concept)
    vmode <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("vmode")
 as.vmode <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("as.vmode")
"vmode<-" <- function(x, value)UseMethod("vmode<-")

# finalization
finalizer   <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("finalizer")               # get name of active finalizer
"finalizer<-" <- function(x, ..., value)UseMethod("finalizer<-")    # change and activate finalizer (but not: de-activate)
finalize  <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("finalize")                  # call active finalizer (if any)

# generics complementing 'open' and 'close' in ff file handling
delete     <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("delete")
deleteIfOpen <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("deleteIfOpen")

# complements 'ff' and 'update': cloning and convenience wrappers for swap in/out of cache
clone  <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("clone")
as.ff  <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("as.ff")
as.ram <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("as.ram")

# super-classes
#as.fffc <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("as.fffc")
as.ffdf <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("as.ffdf")

# querying and setting dimorder (virtual attribute, part of the HCS concept)
 dimorder    <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("dimorder")
"dimorder<-" <- function(x, ..., value)UseMethod("dimorder<-")

# querying and setting virtual windows (virtual attribute, part of the HCS concept)
 vw    <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("vw")
"vw<-" <- function(x, ..., value)UseMethod("vw<-")

# querying is.factor and is.ordered
if (!exists("is.factor.default")){
  packageStartupMessage("creating generic 'is.factor'")
  is.factor.default <- get("is.factor", mode = "function") #pos = NULL,
  is.factor <- function (x)
if (!exists("is.ordered.default")){
  packageStartupMessage("creating generic 'is.ordered'")
  is.ordered.default <- get("is.ordered", mode = "function") #pos = NULL,
  is.ordered <- function (x)

ramclass <- function (x, ...)
ramattribs <- function (x, ...)

# fffactor
recodeLevels <- function(x, lev)

sortLevels <- function(x)

# -- special access methods --

# add(x, value)  <==>  x[,add=TRUE] <- value  <==>  x += value
add <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("add")

# swap: combines existing generics '[' and '[<-' and is needed e.g. for maintaining NA counts
swap <- function(x, value, ...)UseMethod("swap")

# -- for future use in ff ------------------------------------------------------------

# check for 'hard' symmetric attribute as contrasted with R's isSymmetric() that checks for symmetry on the fly via all.equal()
symmetric <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("symmetric")

# read and write fixed diagonal in symmetric matrices
fixdiag <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("fixdiag")
"fixdiag<-" <- function(x, ..., value)UseMethod("fixdiag<-")

# -- R.ff stuff currently already in ff

# large sampling
bigsample <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("bigsample")

# virtual matrix transpose
vt <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("vt")

# -- not yet generics ----------------------------------------------------------------

#! \name{nrowAssign}
#! \Rdversion{1.1}
#! \alias{nrow<-}
#! \alias{ncol<-}
#! \title{
#!   Assigning the number of rows or columns
#! }
#! \description{
#!   Function \code{nrow<-} assigns \code{\link[base]{dim}} with a new number of rows. \cr
#!   Function \code{ncol<-} assigns \code{\link[base]{dim}} with a new number of columns.
#! }
#! \usage{
#! nrow(x) <- value
#! ncol(x) <- value
#! }
#! \arguments{
#!   \item{x}{ a object that has \code{\link[base]{dim}} AND can be assigned ONE new dimension }
#!   \item{value}{ the new size of the assigned dimension }
#! }
#! \details{
#!   Currently only asssigning new rows to \code{\link{ffdf}} is supported.
#!   The new ffdf rows are not initialized (usually become zero).
#!   NOTE that
#! }
#! \value{
#!   The object with a modified dimension
#! }
#! \author{
#!   Jens Oehlschlägel
#! }
#! \seealso{
#!   \code{\link{ffdf}}, \code{\link{dim.ffdf}}
#! }
#! \examples{
#!   a <- as.ff(1:26)
#!   b <- as.ff(factor(letters)) # vmode="integer"
#!   c <- as.ff(factor(letters), vmode="ubyte")
#!   df <- ffdf(a,b,c)
#!   nrow(df) <- 2*26
#!   df
#!   message("NOTE that the new rows have silently the first level 'a' for UNSIGNED vmodes")
#!   message("NOTE that the new rows have an illegal factor level <0> for SIGNED vmodes")
#!   message("It is your responsibility to put meaningful content here")
#!   message("As an example we replace the illegal zeros by NA")
#!   df$b[27:52] <- NA
#!   df
#!   rm(a,b,c,df); gc()
#! }
#! \keyword{ array }

"nrow<-" <- function(x, value){
  d <- dim(x)
  if (is.null(d) || length(d)!=2)
    stop("not a two-dimensional array")
  dim(x) <- c(as.integer(value), d[[2]])

"ncol<-" <- function(x, value){
  d <- dim(x)
  if (is.null(d) || length(d)!=2)
    stop("not a two-dimensional array")
  dim(x) <- c(d[[1]], as.integer(value))
kindlychung/ff documentation built on May 20, 2019, 9:58 a.m.