Man pages for kingaa/ouch
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Models for Phylogenetic Comparative Hypotheses

anolis_ssdGreater Antillean anolis lizard sexual size dimorphism data
as_data_frameCoerce an 'ouch' object to a data frame
bimacAnolis bimaculatus lizard size data
bootstrapBootstrapping for uncertainty quantification
brownPhylogenetic Brownian motion models
coefModel coefficients
geospizaData on Darwin's finches
glssolnGeneralized least-squares solver
hansenOrnstein-Uhlenbeck models of trait evolution
logLikLog likelihood of a fitted model
ouchtreePhylogenetic tree object in 'ouch' format
packageOrnstein-Uhlenbeck methods for comparative phylogenetic...
paintPainting regimes on a phylogenetic tree
plot'ouch' plotting functions
printPrint and show methods
simulateSimulations of a phylogenetic trait model
summarySummary methods
updateUpdate and refit an 'ouch' model
kingaa/ouch documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 9:24 p.m.