
##' Transformations
##' Some useful parameter transformations.
##' Parameter transformations can be used in many cases to recast constrained optimization problems as unconstrained problems.
##' Although there are no limits to the transformations one can implement using the \code{\link{parameter_trans}} facilty, \pkg{pomp} provides a few ready-built functions to implement some very commonly useful ones.
##' @name transformations
##' @rdname transformations
##' @family implementation information
##' @concept parameter transformations

##' @export
##' @rdname transformations
##' @param p numeric; a quantity in [0,1].
##' @details
##' The logit transformation takes a probability \eqn{p} to its log odds, \eqn{\log\frac{p}{1-p}}{log(p/(1-p))}.
##' It maps the unit interval \eqn{[0,1]} into the extended real line \eqn{[-\infty,\infty]}.
logit <- function (p) {

##' @export
##' @rdname transformations
##' @param x numeric; the log odds ratio.
##' @details The inverse of the logit transformation is the expit transformation.
expit <- function (x) {

##' @export
##' @rdname transformations
##' @param X numeric; a vector containing the quantities to be transformed according to the log-barycentric transformation.
##' @details
##' The log-barycentric transformation takes a vector \eqn{X\in{R^{n}_+}}{X in the non-negative cone of R^n}, to a vector \eqn{Y\in{R^n}}{Y in R^n}, where \deqn{Y_i = \log\frac{X_i}{\sum_j X_j}.}{Yi = log(Xi/sum(X)).}
##' The transformation is not one-to-one.
##' However, for each \eqn{c>0}, it maps the simplex \eqn{\{X\in{R^n_+}:\sum_i X_i = c\}}{sum(X)=c} bijectively onto \eqn{n}-dimensional Euclidean space \eqn{R^n}.
log_barycentric <- function (X) {

##' @export
##' @rdname transformations
##' @param Y numeric; a vector containing the log fractions.
##' @details
##' The inverse of the log-barycentric transformation is implemented as \code{inv_log_barycentric}.
##' Note that it is not a true inverse, in the sense that it takes \eqn{R^n} to the \emph{unit} simplex, \eqn{\{X\in{R^n_+}:\sum_i X_i = 1\}}{sum(X)=1}.
##' Thus, \preformatted{
##'     log_barycentric(inv_log_barycentric(Y)) == Y,
##' } but \preformatted{
##'     inv_log_barycentric(log_barycentric(X)) == X
##' } only if \code{sum(X) == 1}.
inv_log_barycentric <- function (Y) {
kingaa/pomp documentation built on April 24, 2024, 11:25 a.m.