
#' Print first 5 rows and first 5 columns
#' A slightly modified head function for large datasets with many columns.
#' Works with dataframes and data tables
#' @param df A data frame or data table
#' @param nc Number of columns to print, default 5
#' @param nr Number of rows to print, default 5
#' @import data.table
#' @export head5
#' @examples
#' abc <- data.table(matrix(1:2000, 20, 100))
#' head5(abc)

head5 <- function(df, nc=5, nr=5){

    # Case 1: inputted df is less than nr x nc
    if(dim(df)[1] < nr | dim(df)[2] < nc){
        print(head(df)) # revert to standard head

    # Case 2: data table input
    }else if(any(class(df)=="data.table")){

    # Case 3: some other class input, hopefully dataframe
        print(head(df[,c(1:nc)], n=nr))
kippjohnson/kippr documentation built on May 12, 2019, 2:02 p.m.