
Defines functions do.rpca

Documented in do.rpca

#' Robust Principal Component Analysis
#' Robust PCA (RPCA) is not like other methods in this package as finding explicit low-dimensional embedding with reduced number of columns.
#' Rather, it is more of a decomposition method of data matrix \eqn{X}, possibly noisy, into low-rank and sparse matrices by
#' solving the following,
#' \deqn{\textrm{minimize}\quad \|L\|_* + \lambda \|S\|_1 \quad{s.t.} L+S=X}
#' where \eqn{L} is a low-rank matrix, \eqn{S} is a sparse matrix and \eqn{\|\cdot\|_*} denotes nuclear norm, i.e., sum of singular values. Therefore,
#' it should be considered as \emph{preprocessing} procedure of denoising. Note that after RPCA is applied, \eqn{L} should be used
#' as kind of a new data matrix for any manifold learning scheme to be applied.
#' @param X an \eqn{(n\times p)} matrix or whose rows are observations and columns represent independent variables.
#' @param mu an augmented Lagrangian parameter
#' @param lambda parameter for the sparsity term \eqn{\|S\|_1}. Default value is given accordingly to the referred paper.
#' @param ... extra parameters including \describe{
#' \item{maxiter}{maximum number of iterations (default: 100).}
#' \item{abstol}{absolute tolerance stopping criterion (default: 1e-8).}
#' }
#' @return a named list containing
#' \describe{
#' \item{L}{an \eqn{(n\times p)} low-rank matrix.}
#' \item{S}{an \eqn{(n\times p)} sparse matrix.}
#' \item{algorithm}{name of the algorithm.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## load iris data and add some noise
#' data(iris, package="Rdimtools")
#' set.seed(100)
#' subid = sample(1:150,50)
#' noise = 0.2
#' X = as.matrix(iris[subid,1:4])
#' X = X + matrix(noise*rnorm(length(X)), nrow=nrow(X))
#' lab = as.factor(iris[subid,5])
#' ## try different regularization parameters
#' rpca1 = do.rpca(X, lambda=0.1)
#' rpca2 = do.rpca(X, lambda=1)
#' rpca3 = do.rpca(X, lambda=10)
#' ## apply identical PCA methods
#' Y1 = do.pca(rpca1$L, ndim=2)$Y
#' Y2 = do.pca(rpca2$L, ndim=2)$Y
#' Y3 = do.pca(rpca3$L, ndim=2)$Y
#' ## visualize
#' opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
#' par(mfrow=c(1,3))
#' plot(Y1, pch=19, col=lab, main="RPCA+PCA::lambda=0.1")
#' plot(Y2, pch=19, col=lab, main="RPCA+PCA::lambda=1")
#' plot(Y3, pch=19, col=lab, main="RPCA+PCA::lambda=10")
#' par(opar)
#' }
#' @references
#' \insertRef{candes_robust_2011}{Rdimtools}
#' @author Kisung You
#' @rdname nonlinear_RPCA
#' @concept nonlinear_methods
#' @export
do.rpca <- function(X, mu=1.0, lambda=sqrt(1/(max(dim(X)))), ...){
  # Preprocessing
  if (!is.matrix(X)){stop("* do.rpca : 'X' should be a matrix.")}
  # myprep = ifelse(missing(preprocess), "null", match.arg(preprocess))
  mymu  = max(as.double(mu), sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
  mylbd = max(as.double(lambda), sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

  # Extra parameters
  params  = list(...)
  pnames  = names(params)

  if ("abstol"%in%pnames){
    myabstol = max(.Machine$double.eps, as.double(params$abstol))
  } else {
    myabstol = 10^(-8)
  if ("maxiter"%in%pnames){
    myiter = max(5, round(params$maxiter))
  } else {
    myiter = 100

  # Version 1 Update
  output = dt_rpca(X, mymu, mylbd, myiter, myabstol)

  # #------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # #   1. data matrix
  # aux.typecheck(X)
  # n = nrow(X)
  # p = ncol(X)
  # #   2. mu and lambda
  # muval  = as.double(mu)
  # lbdval = as.double(lambda)
  # if (!check_NumMM(muval,0,Inf,compact=FALSE)){stop("* do.rpca : 'mu' should be a POSITIVE real number.")}
  # if (!check_NumMM(lbdval,0,Inf,compact=FALSE)){stop("* do.rpca : 'lambda' should be a POSITIVE real number.")}
  # #   3. preprocess
  # if (missing(preprocess)){
  #   algpreprocess = "null"
  # } else {
  #   algpreprocess = match.arg(preprocess)
  # }
  # tmplist = aux.preprocess.hidden(X,type=algpreprocess,algtype="nonlinear")
  # trfinfo = tmplist$info
  # pX      = tmplist$pX
  # #------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # admmrun = ADMM ::admm.rpca(pX,lambda=lbdval,mu=muval)
  # #------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # result = list()
  # result$L = admmrun$L
  # result$S = admmrun$S
  # result$trfinfo = trfinfo
  # return(result)
kisungyou/Rdimtools documentation built on Jan. 2, 2023, 9:55 a.m.