Primo_modT: Estimate posterior probabilities of association patterns,...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value

View source: R/main.R


For each observation (e.g. SNP), estimates the posterior probability of each association pattern. This version of the main Primo function uses moderated t-statistics and parameters previously calculated under the 'limma' framework (i.e. using estimate_densities_modT). It is useful for cases where the same statistic from one study (e.g. gene-SNP pair) may be mapped to multiple statistics from another study (e.g. multiple gene-CpG pairings). Utilizes parallel computing, when available.


Primo_modT(Tstat_mod, mdfs, V_mat, Gamma, tol = 0.001, par_size = 1)



matrix of moderated t-statistics.


matrix of moderated degrees of freedom.


matrix of scaling factors.


correlation matrix.


numeric value specifying the tolerance threshold for convergence.


numeric value specifying the number of workers for parallel computing (1 for sequential processing).


The following are additional details describing the input arguments (for m SNPs/observations measured in d studies):

Tstat_mod m x d matrix.
mdfs m x d matrix.
V_mat m x d matrix.
Gamma d x d matrix.


A list with the following elements:

post_prob matrix of posterior probabilities (each column corresponds to an association pattern).
pis vector of estimated proportion of observations belonging to each association pattern.
D_mat matrix of densities under each association pattern.
Gamma correlation matrix.
Tstat_mod matrix of moderated t-statistics.
V_mat matrix of scaling factors under the alternative distribution.
mdf_sd_mat matrix of standard deviation adjustment according to moderated degrees of freedom: df/(df-2).

The main element of interest for inference is the posterior probabilities matrix, post_prob. The estimated proportion of observations belonging to each association pattern, pis, may also be of interest. The remaining elements are returned primarily for use by other functions.

kjgleason/primo documentation built on Sept. 7, 2021, 5:21 p.m.