Man pages for kkang7/CDSeq_R_Package
A Complete Deconvolution Method using Sequencing Data

CDSeqComplete deconvolution using sequencing data.
cdseq.resultOutput of synthetic mixtures of PBMC scRNAseq data
CDSeq-R-packageCDSeq: A package for complete deconvolution using sequencing...
Cell2RNACell proportion to RNA proportion 'Cell2RNA' converts Cell...
cellTypeAssignSCRNA'cellTypeAssignSCRNA' assigns CDSeq-identified cell types...
gene2rpkmgene2rpkm outputs the rpkm normalizations of the...
gene_lengthGene length
gibbsSamplerThis is the Gibbs sampler for CDSeq. 'GibbsSampler' returns...
hungarian_RcppThis is the Hungarian algorithm wrapper for cell type...
intersection'intersection' take intersection of multiple lists and return...
logpostlogpost computes the log posterior of the CDSeq model....
max_rep'max_rep' Find the element that repeats the most in a given...
merge_dfData frame for keeping the CDSeq-estimated cell type...
mixtureGEPSynthetic bulk RNA-seq read counts data of six cell types
pbmc_ggplotggplot figures of comparison between CDSeq-estimated cell...
pbmc_mixSynthetic bulk RNA-seq read counts data of PBMC single cell...
read2generead2gene outputs the GEP normalized by gene length of the...
refGEPGEPs of six component pure cell lines
result1CDSeq result of synthetic bulk RNA-seq read counts data of...
result2CDSeq result of synthetic bulk RNA-seq read counts data of...
result3CDSeq result of synthetic bulk RNA-seq read counts data of...
RNA2CellRNA proportion to cell proportion 'RNA2Cell' converts RNA...
sc_annotationCell type annotation of the PBMC single cell data
sc_gepPBMC single cell RNAseq read counts that used for creating...
seedMTThis is the Mersenne Twister random number generator. 'cokus'...
SyntheticMixtureDataSynthetic bulk RNA-seq read counts data of six cell types,...
true_GEP_geneTrue GEPs of the six component cell types normalized by gene...
true_GEP_readTrue GEPs of the six component cell types unnormalized by...
true_GEP_rpkmTrue GEPs of the six component cell types RPKM normalization
true_propTrue cell type proportion in the PBMC synthetic mixtures
true_prop_cellTrue cell proportions of the mixtures
true_prop_RNATrue cell type RNA proportions
kkang7/CDSeq_R_Package documentation built on May 4, 2021, 8:12 p.m.