Overview of tmcmcR

Transformation based Markov Chain Monte Carlo (TMCMC) is a modification of standard Random Walk Metropolis Hastings (RWMH), which is the simplest and still the most widely used MCMC mechanism. TMCMC is computationally fast and has better acceptance rate and better coverage of the state space, specially in high dimensions, compared to RWMH. See Dutta and Bhattacharya 2014 and Dey and Bhattacharya 2015 for the algorithm and theoretical properties of TMCMC. In this package tmcmcR, we implement the Rcpp versions of RWMH and TMCMC, along with several adaptive versions of the TMCMC algorithm and metropolis coupled approaches applicable for simulating from multimodal target densities.

To install the tmcmcR package,


To load the package,


Arguments Format

As of version 0.0.1, the arguments to the tmcmcR functions are pretty generic. All the sampling functions in the package take a target_pdf model which is a statistical model density, specified as a function of the parameters, on which we want to run the sampling mechanism. The user should transform the parameters such that they are unconstrained and the state space spans $\mathbb{R}^{d}$ for $d$ many parameters. Often the target pdf is easier to specify under naturally constarined parameters, for instance the simplex variables. In such a case, the user must have the unconstrained parameters as arguments to target_pdf and must include the transformations inside the target_pdf function.

All the sampling schemes take a base input which is the starting value of the chain. The default is all zeros. However, if the user has prior information about the concentration of the target_pdf, it is better to provide a base that is close to the region of high concentration for faster convergence to the target.

The other common feature in all functions is the argument nsamples which represents the total number of samples we generate for the chain. The burn in is assumed to be $\frac{1}{3}$ rd of the nsamples.


The model

We present an illustration of the different sampling schemes in tmcmcR. We assume a model from which we want to simulate. Assume the simulation model (an example model taken from Mattingly et al.)

d=50;  ##  dimension of the simulated variable

Sigma_target = 0.01*diag(1/(1:(d))*d);

Mattingly_matrix <- 100*(diag(1-0.7,d)+0.7*rep(1,d)%*%t(rep(1,d)));


pdf = function(x)
  return (dmvnorm(x,mu_target,Sigma_target,log=TRUE)-t(x)%*%Mattingly_matrix%*%x)


We simulate the RWMH and the TMCMC chains for the model above.

We choose our starting point or base to be independently drawn $N(0,1)$ random variables for each co-ordinate.

base=rnorm(d,0,1); ## the starting point generated independently from N(0,1)

For running the general RWMH chain, use the rwmh_metrop function.

system.time(out_rwmh <- tmcmcR:::rwmh_metrop(pdf,base=base, scale=1,nsamples=5000, verb=FALSE))

To run the TMCMC chain, use the tmcmc_metrop function.

system.time(out_tmcmc <- tmcmcR:::tmcmc_metrop(pdf,base=base, scale=1,nsamples=5000, verb=FALSE))

Adaptive version

For the general RWMH and TMCMC chains, the user is required to provide the proposal scale and the performance of the chain depends on the choice of the scale. Check Dey and Bhattacharya 2015 for the choice of optimal scales for the TMCMC chain. However, fixing the scale for very complicated models may be tricky. The user can get around this problem by opting for adaptive version of the above chains. The function adapt_tmcmc_metrop.R fits adaptive TMCMC chains. The user can choose one of 3 adaptive schemes - Atchade method, Haario method and RAMA. For theoretical details on these methods, check Roberts and Rosenthal 2008, Haario et al 2005, Atchade and Rosenthal 2005.

RWMH adaptive versions

system.time(out_adapt_rwmh <- tmcmcR:::adapt_rwmh_metrop(pdf,base=base, nsamples=5000, 
                                                  method="Atchade", verb=FALSE));

system.time(out_adapt_rwmh <- tmcmcR:::adapt_rwmh_metrop(pdf,base=base, nsamples=5000, 
                                                  method="SCAM", verb=FALSE));

system.time(out_adapt_rwmh <- tmcmcR:::adapt_rwmh_metrop(pdf,base=base, nsamples=5000, verb=FALSE,
                                      a_rama = 1, b_rama=1, M_rama=100, method="Rama"));

TMCMC adaptive versions

system.time(out_adapt_tmcmc <- tmcmcR:::adapt_tmcmc_metrop(pdf,base=base, nsamples=5000, 
                                                  method="Atchade", verb=FALSE));

system.time(out_adapt_tmcmc <- tmcmcR:::adapt_tmcmc_metrop(pdf,base=base, nsamples=5000, 
                                                  method="SCAM", verb=FALSE));

system.time(out_adapt_tmcmc <- tmcmcR:::adapt_tmcmc_metrop(pdf,base=base, nsamples=5000, verb=FALSE,
                                      a_rama = 1, b_rama=1, M_rama=100, method="Rama"));

If the argument verb is TRUE, the function will output the progress of the simulation (how many runs of the samples have been completed). Also for the RAMA method, there are additional parameters a_rama, b_rama and M_rama. If these values are not provided by the user, the default value assumed are a_rama =0, b_rama =0 and M_rama =100.

Metropolis coupling

The usual RWMH or TMCMC chains do not perform well on multimodal densities and have a tendency to get stuck at one of the modes. Metropolis coupling is a popular technique used to get around this problem. One runs multiple chains on the model density $f(x)^{\beta}$ for different choices of $\beta$ ranging from $1$ to $\beta_{min}$, where the latter is a value close to $0$. To choose the $\beta$ values (also called inverse temperatures), one can use two types of stepsize selection approach - fixed or randomized. The selection of inverse temperatures for the fixed approach in MC3 is similar to the approach suggested in Atchade, Roberts and Rosenthal 2010. We generalized this approach for the randomized version and also extended it to transformation based chains.

inverse_temp <- tmcmcR:::select_inverse_temp(pdf_component, minbeta=0.05, L_iter =50, 
                                    sim_method="TMCMC",inv_temp_scheme = "randomized")

The above function would fix the inverse temperatures for the RTMC3 chain. The user may choose the sim_method to be RWMH for RMC3 chain. Correspondingly, fixing the inv_temp_scheme to be \textbf{fixed} would generate the inverse temperatures for the MC3 and TMC3 chains.

For RTMC3, one can define the beta_set to be the output array of inverse temperatures selected above.

base=rnorm(d,0,1); ## the starting point generated independently from N(0,1)
out_rtmc3 <- tmcmcR:::rtmc3(pdf, beta_set = inverse_temp, scale=1, base=base, cycle=10, nsamples=5000, verb=FALSE)
out_rtmc3 <- tmcmcR:::rmc3(pdf, beta_set = inverse_temp, scale=1, base=base, cycle=10, nsamples=5000, verb=FALSE)

Multiple Try TMCMC

Multiple try methods introduced by Liu, Liang and Wong, 2000 are a modification of the standard Metropolis-Hastings algorithm that converge faster to the target density. The multiple try methods are slightly slower than the standard method, but they make up for it by the fast convergence rate to the target distribution. We implemented a multiple try version of the TMCMC approach. The user can select the number of step-sizes ($\epsilon$) to be chosen and the number of step-signs ($b$) per step-size chosen for candidate moves.

system.time(out_mtry_tmcmc <- tmcmcR:::mt_tmcmc_metrop(pdf, base=base, scale=1,nmove_size=5, nmove=50, nsamples=1000,burn_in = NULL)$chain);

system.time(out_tmcmc <- tmcmcR:::tmcmc_metrop(pdf, base=base, scale=1, nsamples=1000,burn_in = NULL)$chain)

Performance illustration

We first compare the performance of the TMCMC chain and the RWMH chain in terms of convergence to the test distribution. We ran $50$ chains of TMCMC and RWMH for the model specified above for $nsamples = 5000$ and then compared the empirical distribution of the two chains at each time with the target density. We present the plots for two arbitrary co-ordinates.

Next we compare the performances of the adaptive versions of RWMH against the test distribution and see how the three adaptive methods - due to Atchade, SCAM and the RAMA methods perform in comparison to each other. We plot for two randomly selected co-ordinates.

We do the same for the TMCMC adaptive versions.

We present the same KS-comparison for the first co-ordinate of the principal chain (inverse temperature equal to 1) after 2000 iterations of RMC3 and RTMC3 procedures, with and without randomization in choosing the set of inverse temperatures.

We present next the KS- comparison of two co-ordinates of from iteration 1 to $1000$ for a multiple try TMCMC and a standard TMCMC procedures.


kkdey/tmcmcR documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10:39 a.m.