Man pages for kleinschmidt/phonetic-sup-unsup
Supervised/unsupervised adaptation analysis

bad_classificationDetect poor performers
bin_trialsSplit data_$trial into n bins.
category_boundariesGet the category boundary based on an glmer fit and model...
excludesSubjects excluded from analysis (Experiment 1)
exclusionsApply exclusion criteria
lhood_to_classificationConvert category likelihoods into categorization function
load_and_parseThese are functions for pre-processing raw data, including...
make_prediction_dataData for prediction
mer_model_matrixThe missing method
mod_param_initcreate initializer function from data with sensible parameter...
mutate_for_lmerPrepare for 'glmer'
par_stanRun stan chains in parallel
plot_category_boundsPlot category boundaries with error linerange
plot_class_curvePlot classification curve from data
predict_and_plotVisualize model fit
predict_seFixed effect prediction SEs
prior_statsSome reasonable priors on category means/variances
repeat_subjectsDetect repeat subjects
rescaleScale, again
separatemeansSupervised/unsupervised phonetic adaptation (Experiment 2)
separatemeans_assignmentsSummary of all Experiment 2 assignments
separatemeans_cleanData from non-excluded assignments (Expt. 2)
separatemeans_excludedData from excluded assignments (Expt. 2)
stats_to_lhoodConvert data frame of category statistics into likelihoods
str_replace_multiMultiple string substitution
supunsupSupervised/unserupvised phonetic adaptation (Experiment 1)
supunsup_cleanNon-excluded assignments (Expt. 1)
supunsup_excludedData from excluded assignments (Expt. 1)
supunsup_to_stan_conjconvert data to stan input format for the conj_*.stan models
supunsup_to_stan_mogconvert data to stan input format for the mog_*.stan models
kleinschmidt/phonetic-sup-unsup documentation built on May 20, 2019, 12:33 p.m.