  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

The evoTS package facilitates univariate and multivariate analyses of phenotypic change within lineages.

The evoTS package extends the modeling framework available in the paleoTS package. All model-fitting procedures in evoTS have been implemented to mirror the user experience from paleoTS. For example, all univariate models implemented in evoTS can be fitted to a paleoTS object, i.e. the data format used in paleoTS. The fit of all univariate models available in paleoTS and evoTS are directly comparable using the reported AICc.

evoTS contains functions that allow for fitting different models to separate parts of an evolutionary sequence (mode-shift models). Functions for investigating likelihood surfaces of fitted models are also included.

Multivariate models implemented in evoTS include different versions of multivariate unbiased random walks and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. These multivariate models allow the user to test a variety of hypotheses of adaptation and evolution using phenotypic time-series.

Please visit for detailed walkthroughs on how to use the various features of the package.

klvoje/evoTS documentation built on June 29, 2024, 10:26 p.m.