Scotty: A suite of commands for manipulating, analyzing and reporting data.

CRAN version CRAN RStudio mirror downloads

Specific commands

arr_vars An simple function for rearranging columns in a table. Adapted from code posted on StackExchange.

boot_ATE A function which will compute marginal effects using bootstrapped standard errors. Cluster robust option.

des_char Under construction...

des_df A simple function for summary description of tables

des_factor Under construction...

des_num A function for describing a numeric variable

des_var Wrapper which applies des_char, des_factor or des_num as appropriate

gg_loess A plot function for propensity scoring estimation. Compare post-match covariate balance.

load_pkgs Load up a group of packages

load_prj An internal function for running a project from a master file, must be canonical.

load_rmd An internal function for loading settings for using in project set-up, must be canonical.

TimeStamp Internal function which generates a formatted character string of current date-time.

numeric_ Functions which assist in building a nicely formatted table for manuscripts/reports.

xlsx_ Additional xlsx functions to be used with the xlsx package. Code adapted from online postings.


Kevin W. McConeghy, Pharm.D, M.S., Brown University School of Public Health, Dept. Health Services Research


kmcconeghy/Scotty documentation built on Aug. 26, 2020, 11:45 p.m.