#' Reconcile and Merge Messages
#' `build_messages()` reconciles and merges the messages from
#' `im_orig_dfs$orig_message_posts` and `im_core_dfs$core_message_posts`.
#' @template param-summarize
#' @template param-split
#' @template param-as_tibble
#' @template return-df
#' @template author-bk
#' @examples
#' # messages summarized to single rows ==================================================
#' build_messages()
#' # all message observations ============================================================
#' build_messages(summarize = FALSE)
#' # all message observations split into a list of data frames ===========================
#' split_messages <- build_messages(summarize = FALSE, split = TRUE)
#' # first five messages that appear in both... ==========================================
#' # ... `im_orig_dfs$orig_message_posts` and `im_core_dfs$core_message_posts`
#' split_messages[
#' vapply(split_messages, function(.x) nrow(.x) == 2, logical(1L))
#' ][1:5]
#' @importFrom data.table copy setcolorder setDT
#' @export
build_messages <- function(summarize = TRUE, split = FALSE,
as_tibble = ironmarch_as_tibble()) {
# handle CMD check notes on NSE ========================================================
which_df <- NULL
msg_id <- NULL
# ======================================================================================
check_summarize_and_split(summarize = summarize, split = split)
orig <- setDT(copy(ironmarch::im_orig_dfs[["orig_message_posts"]]))
core <- setDT(copy(ironmarch::im_core_dfs[["core_message_posts"]]))
core[, which_df := "core"]
setcolorder(core, "which_df")
orig[, which_df := "orig"]
setcolorder(orig, "which_df")
out <- merge(orig, core, all = TRUE)
if (summarize) {
out <- out[
][, lapply(
.SD, function(.x) if (.N == 1L) .x else .x[[which.min(is.na(.x))]]
by = msg_id
][, which_df := NULL
} else if (split) {
out <- split(out, by = "msg_id")
.finalize_df(out, as_tibble = as_tibble)
#' Reconcile and Merge Members
#' `build_members()` reconciles and merges the members found in
#' `im_orig_dfs$orig_members` and `im_core_dfs$core_members`.
#' Values found in `im_core_dfs$core_members` are preferred. Otherwise values found in
#' `im_orig_dfs$orig_members` are kept.
#' @template param-summarize
#' @template param-split
#' @template param-as_tibble
#' @template return-df
#' @template author-bk
#' @examples
#' # members summarized to single rows ===================================================
#' build_members()
#' # all member observations =============================================================
#' build_members(summarize = FALSE)
#' # all member observations split into a list of data frames ============================
#' split_members <- build_members(summarize = FALSE, split = TRUE)
#' # first three members that appear in both... ==========================================
#' # ... `im_orig_dfs$orig_members` and `im_core_dfs$core_members`
#' split_members[
#' vapply(split_members, function(.x) nrow(.x) == 2, logical(1L))
#' ][1:3]
#' @importFrom data.table copy fifelse setcolorder setDT
#' @export
build_members <- function(summarize = TRUE, split = FALSE,
as_tibble = ironmarch_as_tibble()) {
# handle CMD check notes on NSE ========================================================
msg_count_reset <- NULL
msg_count_reset_at <- NULL
which_df <- NULL
member_id <- NULL
# ======================================================================================
check_summarize_and_split(summarize = summarize, split = split)
orig <- setDT(copy(ironmarch::im_orig_dfs[["orig_members"]]))
core <- setDT(copy(ironmarch::im_core_dfs[["core_members"]]))
core[, msg_count_reset_at := fifelse(
msg_count_reset > 1,
as.POSIXct(msg_count_reset, origin = "1970-01-01"),
as.POSIXct(NA_real_, origin = "1970-01-01")
)][, msg_count_reset := NULL
# raw to logical
raw_cols <- names(core)[vapply(core, function(.x) is.raw(.x[[1L]]), logical(1L))]
core[, (raw_cols) := lapply(.SD, function(.x) {
vapply(.x, as.logical, logical(1L))
}), .SDcols = raw_cols]
# character to logical
char_int_bool_cols <- c("restrict_post", "mod_posts", "temp_ban")
orig[, (char_int_bool_cols) := lapply(.SD, function(.x) {
fifelse(.x == "1", TRUE, FALSE)
}), .SDcols = char_int_bool_cols]
# integer to logical
shifted_int_bool_cols <- c("restrict_post", "mod_posts", "temp_ban")
core[, (shifted_int_bool_cols) := lapply(.SD, function(.x) {
fifelse(.x == -1L, TRUE, FALSE)
}), .SDcols = shifted_int_bool_cols]
core[, which_df := "core"]
setcolorder(core, "which_df")
orig[, which_df := "orig"]
setcolorder(orig, "which_df")
out <- merge(orig, core, all = TRUE)
if (summarize) {
out <- out[
][, lapply(
.SD, function(.x) if (.N == 1L) .x else .x[[which.min(is.na(.x))]]
by = member_id
][, which_df := NULL
} else if (split) {
out <- split(out, by = "member_id")
.finalize_df(out, as_tibble = as_tibble)
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