
Defines functions write_tweet_xlsx write_tweet_csv

Documented in write_tweet_csv write_tweet_xlsx

#' Write Tweets to Spreadsheets
#' @template param-tweet_df
#' @template param-file_path
#' @template param-dots 
#' @template author-bk
#' @seealso [data.table::fwrite()]
#' @examples 
#' path_to_tweet_file <- example_tweet_file()
#'                                                        # first 5 rows
#' tweet_df <- read_tweets(file_path = path_to_tweet_file)[1:5, ]
#' # write comma-separated values files ==================================================
#' target_csv_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
#' target_csv_file
#' write_tweet_csv(tweet_df, file_path = target_csv_file) 
#' @importFrom data.table fwrite
#' @export
write_tweet_csv <- function(tweet_df, file_path, ...) {
  if (!.is_dt(tweet_df)) {
    tweet_df <- .as_dt(tweet_df)

    x = jsonify_list_cols(tweet_df), 
    file = file_path,
    bom = TRUE,

#' @rdname write_tweet_csv
#' @param asTable `<logical>`, default: `TRUE`.
#' @aliases write_tweet_excel
#' @seealso [openxlsx::write.xlsx()]
#' @examples 
#' # write Microsoft Excel files =========================================================
#' target_excel_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".xlsx")
#' target_excel_file
#' write_tweet_xlsx(tweet_df, file_path = target_excel_file)
#' # same as `write_tweet_xlsx()`
#' write_tweet_excel(tweet_df, file_path = target_excel_file)
#' @export
write_tweet_xlsx <- function(tweet_df, file_path, asTable = TRUE, ...) {
  if (!requireNamespace("openxlsx", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("{openxlsx} package is required for this functionality.", call. = FALSE)

  if (!.is_dt(tweet_df)) {
    tweet_df <- .as_dt(tweet_df)

    x = jsonify_list_cols(tweet_df),
    file = file_path, 
    colNames = TRUE, 
    asTable = asTable, 

#' @rdname  write_tweet_csv
#' @export
write_tweet_excel <- write_tweet_xlsx


# list_col_names <- function(x) {
#   potential_list_cols <- c(
#     "hashtags", "urls_expanded_url", "media_url", "media_expanded_url",
#     "media_type", "mentions_user_id", "mentions_screen_name", "bbox_coords",
#     "retweet_bbox_coords", "quoted_bbox_coords", "metadata"
#   )
#   intersect(names(x), potential_list_cols)
# }
# spreadsheet_col_classes <- function(drop_names = FALSE) {
#   init <- c(
#     user_id = "character", status_id = "character", created_at = "character",
#     screen_name = "character",
#     text = "character", source = "character", reply_to_status_id = "character",
#     reply_to_user_id = "character", reply_to_screen_name = "character",
#     is_quote = "logical", is_retweet = "logical", hashtags = "character",
#     urls_expanded_url = "character", media_url = "character",
#     media_expanded_url = "character",
#     media_type = "character", mentions_user_id = "character",
#     mentions_screen_name = "character",
#     quoted_status_id = "character", quoted_text = "character", 
#     quoted_created_at = "character", quoted_source = "character",
#     quoted_favorite_count = "integer", quoted_retweet_count = "integer",
#     quoted_user_id = "character", quoted_screen_name = "character",
#     quoted_name = "character", quoted_followers_count = "integer",
#     quoted_friends_count = "integer", quoted_statuses_count = "integer",
#     quoted_location = "character", quoted_description = "character",
#     quoted_verified = "logical", retweet_status_id = "character",
#     retweet_text = "character", retweet_created_at = "character",
#     retweet_source = "character",
#     retweet_favorite_count = "integer",
#     retweet_retweet_count = "integer", retweet_user_id = "character",
#     retweet_screen_name = "character", retweet_name = "character",
#     retweet_followers_count = "integer", retweet_friends_count = "integer",
#     retweet_statuses_count = "integer", retweet_location = "character",
#     retweet_description = "character", retweet_verified = "logical",
#     place_url = "character", place_name = "character", place_full_name = "character",
#     place_type = "character", country = "character", country_code = "character",
#     bbox_coords = "character", status_url = "character", name = "character",
#     location = "character", description = "character", url = "character",
#     protected = "logical", followers_count = "integer", friends_count = "integer",
#     listed_count = "integer", statuses_count = "integer", favourites_count = "integer",
#     verified = "logical", profile_url = "character", account_lang = "character",
#     profile_banner_url = "character", profile_image_url = "character",
#     is_retweeted = "logical", retweet_place_url = "character",
#     retweet_place_name = "character",
#     retweet_place_full_name = "character", retweet_place_type = "character",
#     retweet_country = "character", retweet_country_code = "character",
#     retweet_bbox_coords = "character", quoted_place_url = "character",
#     quoted_place_name = "character", quoted_place_full_name = "character",
#     quoted_place_type = "character", quoted_country = "character",
#     quoted_country_code = "character", quoted_bbox_coords = "character",
#     timestamp_ms = "character",
#     contributors_enabled = "logical", metadata = "character", profile_url2 = "character"
#   )
#   if (drop_names) {
#     unname(init)
#   } else {
#     init
#   }
# }
# # @importFrom stringi stri_split_fixed
# peak_csv_col_classes <- function(file_path) {
#   col_classes <- spreadsheet_col_classes()
#   header_peak <- stri_split_fixed(readLines(file_path, n = 1), ",")[[1L]]
#   col_classes[names(col_classes) %in% intersect(header_peak, names(col_classes))]
# }

# Read Tweets from Spreadsheets
# @template param-file_path
# @template author-bk
# @importFrom data.table fread
# @importFrom jsonify from_json
# @importFrom stringi stri_detect_regex stri_replace_all_fixed
# @export
# read_tweet_csv <- function(file_path) {
#   # there doesn't seem to be a safe way to retain type information, even when explicitly
#   # providing classes to `colClasses` or via a YAML header (CSVY)...It's ridiculously slow
#   # as most of the columns need to modified after the fact anyways.
#   # TODO is this worth doing in C++ (or even supporting)?
#   # Leaving as internal function to enable testing for now.
#   # silence R CMD Check NOTE =============================================================
#   .SD <- NULL
#   metadata <- NULL
#   # ======================================================================================
#   col_classes <- peak_csv_col_classes(file_path)
#   # TODO: note exactly which col_classes are totally ignored...
#   out <- fread(file_path, colClasses = col_classes,
#                na.strings = "", encoding = "UTF-8",
#                strip.white = FALSE)
#   lgl_cols <- names(col_classes)[col_classes == "logical"]
#   if (length(lgl_cols) > 0L) {
#     out <- out[, (lgl_cols) := lapply(.SD, as.logical),
#                .SDcols = lgl_cols]
#   }
#   int_cols <- names(col_classes)[col_classes == "integer"]
#   if (length(int_cols) > 0L) {
#     out <- out[, (int_cols) := lapply(.SD, as.integer),
#                .SDcols = int_cols]
#   }
#   dttm_cols <- intersect(
#     names(out),
#     c("created_at", "quoted_created_at", "retweet_created_at",
#       "account_created_at", "timestamp_ms")
#   )
#   if (length(dttm_cols) > 0L) {
#     out <- out[, (dttm_cols) := lapply(.SD, as.POSIXct,
#                                        format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", tz = "UTC"),
#                .SDcols = dttm_cols]
#   }
#   chr_cols <- names(out)[.map_lgl(out, is.character)]
#   out <- out[, (chr_cols) := lapply(.SD, stri_replace_all_fixed, '""', '"'),
#              .SDcols = chr_cols]
#   list_cols <- list_col_names(out)
#   if (length(list_cols) > 0L) {
#     out <- out[
#       , (list_cols) := lapply(.SD, lapply, from_json),
#       .SDcols = list_cols
#     ][]
#   }
#   chr_list_cols <- intersect(
#     names(out),
#     c("hashtags", "urls_expanded_url", "media_url", "media_expanded_url", 
#       "media_type", "mentions_user_id", "mentions_screen_name")
#   )
#   if (length(chr_list_cols) > 0L) {
#     out <- out[
#       , (chr_list_cols) := lapply(.SD, lapply, as.character),
#       .SDcols = chr_list_cols
#     ][]
#   }
#   dbl_list_cols <- intersect(
#     names(out),
#     c("bbox_coords", "retweet_bbox_coords", "quoted_bbox_coords")
#   )
#   if (length(dbl_list_cols) > 0L) {
#     out <- out[
#       , (dbl_list_cols) := lapply(.SD, lapply, as.double),
#       .SDcols = dbl_list_cols
#     ][]
#   }
#   if ("metadata" %in% names(out)) {
#     out <- out[, metadata := lapply(metadata, lapply, as.character)]
#   }
#   out[]
# }
knapply/tweetio documentation built on Dec. 22, 2020, 7:15 p.m.