vcfR 2.0.0.

There is currently no plan to release vcfR 2.0.0. If and when this 'major' release occurs it will include changes that will break backward compatibility. At the present, this is simply a to-do list for ideas to include in the next major release.

vcfR 1.16.0

vcfR 1.15.0

Released on CRAN 2023-12-07 * Ran usethis::use_package_doc()

vcfR 1.14.0

Released on CRAN 2023-02-10 Compile time 'nodiscard' attribute: changed 'col_vec.size()' to 'sizeof(col_vec)' in ad_frequency.cpp and masplit.cpp vcfR_to_tidy handles no INFO in meta

vcfR 1.13.0

Released on CRAN 2022-07-16 * Added vcfR2hapmap() to convert data for use in GAPIT

vcfR 1.12.0

Released on CRAN 2020-09-01 Added PKGTYPE: both to appveyor.yml so Windows packages can be built from source Omitted configure file that unnecessarily tried to invoke checkbashisms * Incorporated help from to use checkbashisms when checking on Debian flavors of Linux (ended up omitting this change but left this here to document it and the link)

vcfR 1.11.0

Released on CRAN 2020-06-05 * Now compatible with R 4.0.0 and dplyr 1.0.0

vcfR 1.10.0

Released on CRAN 2020-02-06 Handled deprecated "dplyr::verb_" function in vcfR2tidy Omitted unused elipses from proc.chromR()

vcfR 1.9.0

Released on CRAN 2020-01-10 Changed class(x) == "matrix" to inherited(x, "matrix") Changed license from GPL to GPL-3 (#144). extract.haps() reports the correct number of variants processed when verbose. The square brackets ([]) handle @gt slots with no samples. vcfR2loci() now has the option return.alleles = FALSE. vcfR2genind() now has the option retrun.alleles = FALSE. Error handling code moved into the C++ functions called by read.vcfR so that errors are thrown earlier when reading a VCF. read.vcfR no longer checks that a file is readable first, which solves issues sometimes seen with shared files. (Issue #109, reported and fixed by @NikNakk). extract.haps() did not include the parameter return.alleles = TRUE in it's call to in the haploid branch of the function. This parameter has now been added. This also affects vcfR2DNAbin() which calls this function. vcfR2genlight() includes the parameter ... to pass parameters to adegenet::df2genind(). is.indel() returns logical vector to identify indels. * now handles genotypes that include some, but not all, missing alleles.

vcfR 1.8.0

Released on CRAN 2018-04-17 Attempted to address CRAN's 'Note: break used in wrong context: no loop is visible' issue. .vcf_stats_gz() reports number of elements in header as well as the file's last line. This is used by read.vcfR() to check for poorly formed files. show method for vcfR now queries @fix instead of @gt. check_keys() checks key definitions in the meta section to make sure they are unique. freq_peak_plot() has parameter posUnits to adjust units of scatterplot. vcfR2migrate() manual discusses Unix and Windows line endings.

vcfR 1.7.0

Released on CRAN 2018-02-07. vcf_field_names() now delimts on KEY= of key/value pairs, allows commas to be used within value. read.vcfR() will download files when provided with a link. * Added example data from the Variant Effect Predictor (vep) data(vep).

vcfR 1.6.0

Released on CRAN 2017-12-08. vcf_field_names() now handles keys that are out of order and multiple optional keys. vcfR2DNAbin() can include indels and maintains alignment. write.vcf() now handles tilde expansion. rePOS() attempts to create a non-overlapping coordinate system from POS and CHROM. vcfR2DNAbin() manages the asterisk allele. extract.indels() ignores GATK's . Added support for chromR objects with no gt slot to proc.chromR(). Created peak_to_ploid() to call peaks and calculate dfe from freq_peak() output. Created freq_peak_plot() to help visualize the output of freq_peak(). .vcf_stats_gz now has nrows and skip parameters. removed .Call() statements to standardize style. Created vcfR2migrate() to output MigrateN format data. Addressed clang-UBSAN memory leak in freq_peak(). Created pairwise_genetic_diff() to calculate pairwise differentiation. Thanks Javier!

vcfR 1.5.0

Released on CRAN 2017-05-18.

vcfR 1.4.0

Released on CRAN 2017-01-07.

vcfR 1.3.0

Released on CRAN 2016-12-08.

vcfR 1.2.0

Released on CRAN 2016-07-25.

vcfR 1.1.0

Released on CRAN 2016-05-26.

This release includes the incorporation of suggestions made by reviewers of the manuscript submitted to Molecular Ecology Resources.

vcfR 1.0.0

Released on CRAN 2016-02-22. This release was used to prepare the manuscript that was submitted to Molecular Ecology Resources.

knausb/vcfR documentation built on Jan. 14, 2024, 1:56 a.m.