rB3 demo for GLEON-20 pre-meeting workshop

prepared for GLEON 20, GSA workshop 2018-12-03

Chris McBride & Kohji Muraoka, UoW, November 2018 correspondance to


Install remotes package to remotely install G20 version of rB3

Web installation via git ('remotes' OR 'devtools')

### via package "remotes" 
# install.packages("remotes")
 remotes::install_github("kohjim/rB3", ref = "G20")

### via package "devtools"
# install.packages("devtools")
 devtools::install_github("kohjim/rB3", ref = "G20")


Local installation

### download directly from github

Open the provided folder 'Demo' and the file Demo.Rproj

## check your working directory, and adjust if needs be
# setwd("C:/")

## install rB3

# load the rB3 library

##### If installing packages failed, manually install dependencies below:
# install.packages("tidyr")
# install.packages("ggplot2", dependencies = TRUE)
# install.packages("lubridate")
# install.packages("shiny")
# install.packages("circular")

Set system timezone to UTC!


..the POSIXct date format used by rB3 can play havoc with your data editing if timezones are not handled well.. it can help to set your system environment to UTC, which avoids issues with tz offsets

# set timezone - only change for this R session
Sys.setenv(TZ = "UTC")

File In

csv2rB3() - Import a raw dataset (csv)

Import a starting .csv file, which will be converted into a list of data frames:

  1. the raw data block from your csv file; 'srcDF'

  2. a copy of the raw data block, to be quality controlled; 'qcDF'

  3. a matrix with similar dimensions to 1 & 2, to store qc action logID values; 'logDF'

  4. a list of logID values and their meanings; 'logKey'

  5. sensor/time-series metadata and control values used for filtering/plotting etc 'ctrls'

  6. site/station meta data 'metaD'

For the documentation, ?csv2rB3

Intial csv header rows can contain time-series/sensor metadata to be used in later functions (loaded as 'ctrls' DF within list). Row prior to start of data will be data frame headers

Date format must be yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, with header "DateTime"

Import a raw dataset

## make sure the demo csv is in the same working dir
# setwd("C:/ ...")

rB3demo <- csv2rB3("rB3demo_201507-201806_RAW_R.csv","Lake_Rotoehu",-38.5, 176.5,"NZ")

call the components of the rB3 object on the fly (not needed for rB3 operations).


You can access a data frame object by e.g.,

testDF <- rB3demo[["qcDF"]]

Explore and reformat your data

ShinyrB3() - GUI (graphic user interphase)

This module lets you investigate your data interactively using shiny package

For the documentation, ?shinyrB3


Note that shiny occupies R studio so you need to shut the Shiny window in order to action any more commands..

More future updates will come around this GUI

Selecting variables in rB3

Variables can be called using key phrases/characters (i.e., all vars containing key word will be selected)

create vector of key phrases, for later functions, e.g.;

wqVars <- c('Fl','Tur','pH','DO')


rB3getVars(rB3demo, wqVars)

retrieve varNames; 'All' (default) or select by keyphrase


rB3getVars(rB3demo, 'All')

rB3stdze() - data trimming and temporal aggregation

Trim and standardize time intervals of a data frame

Our demo rawDF has 3 yrs data, some with 5 min data, some 15 min.

So let's trim dataset to most recent 2 years, and aggregate to common (15 min) timestep, using aggregation methods specific to each column as defined in the header metadata (ctrls$methodAgg).


For example, here we'll aggregate by mean, but sum for rainfall, and circular averaging for wind direction


# aggregate the data to 15 min timestep - can take a while on big DFs!
rB3agg <- rB3stdze(rB3in = rB3demo, 
                   varNames = 'All', 
                   startDate = '2016-07-01', 
                   endDate = '2018-06-30 23:45:00',
                   timestep = 15,
                   aggAll = FALSE)

varWrangle() - create, remove or move variables


# add variable(s) after 3rd variable (3rd excluding DateTime)
rB3agg <- varWrangle(rB3agg, 
                     varNames = "TESTVAR", 
                     task = "add",
                     loc = 4)


# remove variable(s) by "keyword" TESTVAR
rB3agg <- varWrangle(rB3agg, 
                     varNames = "TESTVAR", 
                     task = "rm")


gg_facetVar() - Basic panel plots


# plot the variables called by the the keywords, saved to figures dir
rB3gg(rB3in = rB3agg,
      varNames = c("TmpWtr.d00050","TmpWtr.d00150"),
      srcColour = 'grey34',
      facet = TRUE,
      showPlot = TRUE)
rB3gg(rB3in = rB3agg, 
      varNames = 'DOpsat', 
      srcColour = 'grey34', 
      facet = FALSE,
      showPlot = TRUE,
      savePlot = 'figures/RAW_WQ_',  
      dpi = 400)

Backup the aggregated data frame, in case we want to revert later

rB3agg2 <- rB3agg

assignVal() - Delete or change selected data values

This function replace values in specified regions of data with a numerical value or with NA


Select a region from your shiny plot containing erroneous data, then paste the example function, e.g.:

rB3agg2 <- assignVal(rB3agg2, 
                     varNames = c('TmpWtr.d00050','TmpWtr.d00150'),  
                     startDate = "2017-06-15 23:05:14", 
                     endDate = "2017-07-06 11:00:38", 
                     minVal = 12, 
                     maxVal = 22.9, 
                     newVal = NA, 
                     logID = "Shiny", 
                     Reason = "Manual removal",
                     showPlot = T)

Apply filters using 'ctrls' values

filterRoc() - Filter data by rate of change

Replace values exceedign specified rate of change with NA


rB3agg2 <- filterRoc(rB3agg2, 
                     varNames = c('TmpWtr.d00050','TmpWtr.d00150'), 
                     maxRoc = 0.5,
                     showPlot = T)

If showPlot is TRUE, so you must enter your choice (1 = accept, 2 = decline) to continue

filterReps() - filter by repeated values

Replace data where identical value has been repeated more than n = maxReps


rB3agg2 <- filterReps(rB3agg2,
                      varNames = c('TmpWtr.d00050','TmpWtr.d00150'), 
                      maxReps = 20,
                      showPlot = T)

filterMinMax() - limit data value by range

Filter data below minVal or above maxVal (either specified, or from 'ctrls'/headers)


rB3agg2 <- filterMinMax(rB3agg2,
                        varNames = c('TmpWtr.d00050','TmpWtr.d00150'), 
                       filterMin = 9, 
                       filterMax = 25,
                       showPlot = T) 

applyInterp() - linearly interpolate NA values


rB3agg2 <- applyInterp(rB3agg2,
                       varNames = c('TmpWtr.d00050','TmpWtr.d00150'),
                       showPlot = T)

Visualise your rB3 process

logsPlot() - visualise source, QC data and modifications log


visualise changes to data

logsPlot(rB3in = rB3agg2, 
         varNames = c('TmpWtr.d00050','TmpWtr.d00150'), 
         srcColour = 'grey') 


View the final before and after, without logs

rB3gg(rB3in = rB3agg2, 
      varNames = c('TmpWtr.d00050','TmpWtr.d00150'), 
      srcColour = 'orange',
      qcColour = 'blue') #, savePlot = 'figures/RAW_WQ_',  dpi = 400)

rB3export() EXPORTING rB3 DATA

Export data from the rB3 object into csv files


          varNames = 'All',
          qc = T, 
          src = T,
          metadata = T)

Advanced QA/QC function

rB3agg3 <- rB3agg2


Apply a mathematical transformation, e.g. new = a + b(old) + c(old)^2 + c(old)^3 + ...etc


rB3agg3 <- applyNth(rB3in = rB3agg3,
                    startDate = '2016-07-01 00:00:00',
                    endDate = '2017-06-28 23:45:00',
                    varNames = 'DOpsat.d00050',
                    coeffs = c(12,1,0.02),
                    showPlot = T)


Correct linear sensor drift (assumes consistent timestep)


rB3agg3 <- driftCorr(rB3agg3,
                     '2016-07-01 00:00:00',
                     '2017-06-28 23:45:00',
                     lowRef = 0,   
                     lowStart =  0, 
                     lowEnd =  0, 
                     highRef = 100,
                     highStart = 85, 
                     highEnd = 130,
                     showPlot = T)

Some useful functions



Post-calibrate temperature sensors based on periods of mixing, as found by temp differences and wind speed (optional)

Pre tmprAlign()

rB3gg(rB3in = rB3agg3, 
      varNames = 'TmpWtr', 
      startDate = '2017-07-01', 
      endDate = '2017-08-01',  
      facet = FALSE,
      showPlot = T)
rB3agg3 <- tmprAlign(rB3agg3,
                     varNames = 'TmpWtr',
                     dTPerctile = 0.2, 
                     logID = "tpmAlign", 
                     Reason = "Interp",
                     showPlot = T,
                     plotType = 'All')

Post tmprAlign()

rB3gg(rB3in = rB3agg3, 
      varNames = 'TmpWtr', 
      startDate = '2017-07-01', 
      endDate = '2017-08-01',  
      facet = FALSE,
      showPlot = T)

FUNCrB3() - apply your own equation

?FUNCrB3 Apply a custom function using rB3

Simple example:

multiply a variable by 2

# define a simple function ( result = input variable * 2)
test <- function(eqnVars) {eqnVars[1] * 2}

# apply this custom function
rB3agg3 <- FUNCrB3(rB3agg3,
                   varNames = 'DOpsat.d00050', 
                   eqnVars = 'DOpsat.d00050', 
                   FUN = test, 
                   showPlot = T)

Complex example:

calculate DO (mg/L) using ( DO (%sat) and water temperature ) using USGS method..

Meyers, D.N. (2011)

eqn: DOmg = (exp(-139.34411 + ((157570.1(1/( tmpwtr +273.15))) + (-66423080((1/( tmpwtr +273.15))^2)) + (12438000000((1/( tmpwtr +273.15))^3)) + (-862194900000((1/( tmpwtr +273.15))^4))))) * DOsat *0.01

..where tmpwtr = water temperature and DOsat = dissolved oxygen saturation

      varNames = c('DOpsat.d00050','DOconc.d00050'), 
      showPlot = T, 
      srcColour = 'orange',
      qcColour = 'blue')
# define the list of input variables required for the calculation
eqnVars = c('TmpWtr.d00050','DOpsat.d00050')

# define the function, using eqnVars[1] - tmpwtr and eqnVars[2] = DOsat
DOsat2mg <- function(eqnVars) {
  (exp(-139.34411 + ((157570.1*(1/( eqnVars[1] +273.15))) + 
      (-66423080*((1/( eqnVars[1] +273.15))^2)) + 
        (12438000000*((1/( eqnVars[1] +273.15))^3)) + 
           (-862194900000*((1/( eqnVars[1] +273.15))^4))))) * eqnVars[2] * 0.01
rB3agg3 <- FUNCrB3(rB3agg3, 
                   varNames = 'DOconc.d00050', 
                   eqnVars = eqnVars, 
                   FUN = DOsat2mg, 
                   showPlot = T)

Export files as Lake Analyzer inputs

writeLAinputs() -

write cleaned up temperature and wind data to .wtr and .wnd files for direct input to rLakeAnalyzer


writeLAinputs(rB3in = rB3agg3,
              wtrNames = 'TmpWtr',
              wndName = 'WndSpd',
              wndHeight = 1.5)

kohjim/rB3 documentation built on May 10, 2019, 9:51 a.m.