
  config <- get_gitlab_settings()
  pipeline_token <- gitlab_trigger(config$gitlab_url, config$gitlab_private_token, config$gitlab_project_id)
  if ( {
    if (!rstudioapi::showQuestion(title = "Create trigger?", ok = "Yes", cancel = "No", "Do you want to create a trigger token?"))
      stop("Did not trigger the build. No matching token.", call. = FALSE)
    pipeline_token <- purrr::pluck(gitlab_create_trigger(config$gitlab_url, config$gitlab_private_token, config$gitlab_project_id), "token")
  # Try to detect the current branch
  current_branch <- purrr::possibly(system, otherwise = NULL)("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", inter = TRUE)
  if (is.null(current_branch)) {
    current_branch <- "master"
    warning("Could not detect current branch name: triggering a new build for `master`")
              status_code = 201,
              post = TRUE,
              forms = list(`variables[CLEAN]` = "true",
                           ref = current_branch,
                           token = pipeline_token))

koncina/bs2site documentation built on Sept. 23, 2019, 6:54 p.m.