Brick_get_ranges: Fetch the ranges associated to a rangekey or chromosome.

View source: R/Brick_functions.R

Brick_get_rangesR Documentation

Fetch the ranges associated to a rangekey or chromosome.


Brick_get_ranges will get a ranges object if present in the Brick store and return a GRanges object.


Brick_get_ranges(Brick = NA, chr = NA, rangekey = NA, resolution = NA)



Required. A string specifying the path to the Brick store created with Create_many_Brick.


Optional. A chr string specifying the chromosome to select from the ranges.


Required. A string specifying the name of the ranges.


Optional. Default NA When an object of class BrickContainer is provided, resolution defines the resolution on which the function is executed


If a rangekey is present, the ranges will be retrieve and a GRanges constructed. Metadata columns will also be added. If these are rangekeys other than "Bintable", and had been added using Brick_add_ranges the width and Strand columns may appear as metadata columns. These will most likely be artifacts from converting the original ranges object to a data.frame.


Returns a GRanges object with the associated metadata columns that may have been present in the Ranges object.


Bintable.path <- system.file(file.path("extdata", "Bintable_100kb.bins"), 
package = "HiCBricks")

out_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "list_get_ranges_test")


My_BrickContainer <- Create_many_Bricks(BinTable = Bintable.path, 
    bin_delim = " ", output_directory = out_dir, file_prefix = "Test",
    experiment_name = "Vignette Test", resolution = 100000,
    remove_existing = TRUE)

Brick_get_ranges(Brick = My_BrickContainer, chr = "chr2L", 
rangekey = "Bintable", resolution = 100000)

koustav-pal/HiCLegos documentation built on Nov. 5, 2022, 5:49 p.m.