

This vignette applies the treelapse package to explore data on bikesharing. Bikesharing lets people use bikes temporarily between different stations, Figure \@ref(fig:bike_picture) shows an example station.

The main questions of interest from an operational point of view are forecasting demand across bike rack locations and planning the locations for new ones. We will build some visualizations to help with this first forecasting problem. Our data don't include a spatial component, but if it were available, the figures we produce here could be extended to cover this case. We downloaded it from UCI; it had been featured in a kaggle competition before.

The data look like this -- casual, registered, and cnt are measures of bike demand, the other columns are potentially explanatory features. We've removed a few days that have a lot of missing data for some reason.

bike <- bike %>%
  filter(!dteday %in% c("2012-10-29", "2012-10-30", "2011-01-18", "2011-01-27"))
bike$dteday <- droplevels(bike$dteday)

The originaly competition was about forecasting demand on an hour-by-hour basis[^ Interestingly, you are allowed to use the explanatory variables from the future to make these predictions, so it's not strictly forecasting, per se.]. We will consider a related but slightly different problem, to make it more interesting from a visualization point of view: what are the different shapes of bicycle demand during a 24 hour period, and how to the different explanatory variables associate with different shapes? E.g., how hot does it have to be for people to give up on bikeshares in the day (and, does nighttime demand increase)?

Framing the problem this way lets us use treelapse: we want to study a collection of potentially related time series. Each time series is the demand curve for a single day, and certain time series may be more related to each other based on the similarity of their explanatory variables. We go into detail about our approach below.


That we have many related time series is now clear, but how to arrange them in a tree is not obvious. The approach we use here is to build a classification tree using the explanatory variables, calling series close to each other if they lie in the same leaf node[^This is similar to using "proximity" plots from random forests, but is more directly interpretable.]. There are probably other natural ways to create this sort of structure[^write to me if you have ideas], but we'll go with what we have.

In more detail, we will calculate a single number summary of each daily demand series and then train a CART model to that based on the explanatory variables for that day. Each time series is associated with some leaf node in this regression tree, based on its explanatory variables, and all the series at the same leaf node will hopefully have similar values of the response statistic. We can then use timebox trees and treeboxes. The statistic we will use is bike demand at 8AM. We found this more interesting than the (perhaps more natural) "total daily demand" statistic, because it clearly distinguishes between weekday and weekend use.

For a slight variation, we can assign each series to a bin according to its value of this statistic. We can then see which parts of the tree are home to which of the bin types using the sankey representation.


This section carries out the plan sketched above. First, we featurize the original data at the daily level -- these will be input to the classification model.

logit <- function(p) {
  log(p / (1 - p))

bike_day <- bike %>%
  group_by(dteday) %>%
    season = season[1],
    yr = yr[1],
    mnth = mnth[1],
    holidy = holiday[1],
    workinday = workingday[1],
    mean_weathersit = mean(weathersit),
    sd_weathersit = sd(weathersit),
    max_weathersit = max(weathersit),
    min_weathersit = min(weathersit),
    range_weathersit = max(weathersit) - min(weathersit),
    mean_temp = mean(temp),
    sd_temp = sd(temp),
    max_temp = max(temp),
    min_temp = min(temp),
    range_temp = max(temp) - min(temp),
    mean_atemp = mean(atemp),
    sd_atemp = sd(atemp),
    max_atemp = max(atemp),
    min_atemp = min(atemp),
    range_atemp = max(atemp) - min(atemp),
    mean_hum = mean(hum),
    sd_hum = sd(hum),
    max_hum = max(hum),
    min_hum = min(hum),
    range_hum = max(hum) - min(hum),
    mean_windspeed = mean(logit(windspeed)),
    sd_windspeed = sd(logit(windspeed)),
    max_windspeed = max(logit(windspeed)),
    min_windspeed = min(logit(windspeed)),
    range_windspeed = max(logit(windspeed)) - min(logit(windspeed)),
    cnt_morning = cnt[8]

Now we can train our model. We intentionally use a tuning parameter that will give a larger tree, since this the display later on more interesting.

x <- bike_day %>%
  select(-c(dteday, cnt_morning)) %>%
y <- bike_day$cnt_morning

tune_grid <- data.frame("cp" = c(.001))
cart_model <- train(x = x, y = y, method = "rpart", tuneGrid = tune_grid)

It's a little bit of work to extract the edgelist from the trained tree. First, there are only functions for extracting paths from trees, not edges. This is analogous to only having taxonomic tables, rather than edges in the taxonomic tree. Second, these paths only lead down to leaf nodes, not actual observed data series. So, we will have to manually add edges between leaf nodes and the series that are contained in them.

All this said, it's only a few lines to get the required code.

leaf_ix <- cart_model$finalModel$where
frame <- cart_model$finalModel$frame
leaf_assignment <- rownames(frame)[leaf_ix]

nodes <- rownames(frame)
paths <- path.rpart(cart_model$finalModel, nodes, = FALSE)

depth <- max(sapply(paths, length)) + 1
for (i in seq_along(paths)) {
  if (names(paths)[i] %in% unique(leaf_assignment)) {
    paths[[i]] <- c(paths[[i]], names(paths)[i])

  cur_length <- length(paths[[i]])
  if (cur_length < depth) {
    paths[[i]] <- c(
      rep(NA, depth - cur_length)


From these paths, we can build an edgelist using taxa_edgelist. Then, we add the edges from decision tree leaves to the samples assigned to them. Note that the edgelist names can't just be integers -- this is a bug that should be resolved in a future version of the package.

paths <-, paths)
rownames(paths) <- NULL
edges <- taxa_edgelist(paths)

edges <- rbind(
    "parent" = leaf_assignment,
    "child" = paste0("sample_", levels(bike$dteday))

We are only missing one more piece in order to apply treelapse: We don't have series associated with internal nodes in the decision tree. We can use our tree_means function to accomplish this, applying it for each hour individually. This will associate each internal node with the average of all sample series (the leaves in our full, extended CART tree) that are its descendants.

tip_values <- data.table(
  "unit" = paste0("sample_", bike$dteday),
  "time" = bike$hr,
  "value" = bike$cnt
) %>% ~ unit, fill = 0)

values <- tree_fun_multi(
  as.matrix(tip_values[, -1, with = F]),

values$time <- tip_values$time[values$row]


Finally, we can produce the time and treebox visualizations.

timebox_tree(values %>% select(unit, time, value), edges)
treebox(values %>% select(unit, time, value), edges)

Also, we can generate the sankey representation getting quantiles of demand at 8AM and counting, for each decision tree node, the number of descendant series falling into each bin. This gives us a general sense of which parts of the tree help to classify series into "low", "middle", to "high" demand series.

The code we use to generate these bin counts at internal nodes is similar to that we used to get per-timepoint averages before (it probably could be modularized).

tip_values <- data.frame(
  "unit" = paste0("sample_", bike$dteday),
  "time" = bike$hr,
  "value" = 1,
  "cnt" = bike$cnt
) %>%
  filter(time == 8)

tip_values$group <- cut(tip_values$cnt, 5)
tip_values <- data.table(tip_values) %>% ~ unit, fill = 0, value.var = "value", fun.aggregate = sum)

values <- tree_fun_multi(
  as.matrix(tip_values[, -1, with = F]),

values$group <- as.integer(tip_values$group[values$row])

This can be directly input to the DOI sankey.

  values %>%
  select(unit, group, value),
  800, 400,
  display_opts = list(
    "leaf_width" = 25,
    "leaf_height" = 50,
    "focus_font_size" = 25,
    "font_size" = 16


The visualizations above should be more or less self-explanatory, but we include some example views just to get you thinking about some example workflows. We'll isolate the timebox, treebox, and DOI Sankey views, even though in practice it can be helpful to complement observations from one display using one of the others.


The first thing that is clear is that there are two usage regimes -- weekend and weekday, with weekday showing two peaks around rush hour and weekend having one big peak centered around the middle of the day. We can draw a few boxes to highlight just these series on their own.

These three boxes highlight mostly weekday series.


And these highlight the weekend series.


Note that at each split in the tree, we place the series with higher mean on the left. Consider our choice of $y$ (demand at 8AM), it's not so surprising that the top split is whether the day is a working day or not. The fact that the working day split is on the left means that, on average (across samples and hours) the working days have higher demand than the weekends. This is not obvious from the series on their own; it's unclear just by looking at the series whether the weekend midday peak is enough to offset the weekday rush hour peaks. But the tree settles this question.

The next thing we might notice is that the difference between weekends with high demand and those with low demand is mainly the apparent temperature. This is the story from the next two figures. We just dragged the box over the midday peak up and down (keeping the low rush-hour boxes to ensure we were in weekend series) and then hovered over the highlighted nodes in the tree.


Another major source of variation in these series seems to be whether the measurement was taken during 2011 or 2012. The demand generally seems higher in 2012, especially for weekday commutes. In addition to hovering over the tree, we can search for specific nodes and highlight their series using the search box. Here we have searched for the average series for

This is the point of the next two figures. The only difference between them is the set of series that are being brushed over. In the first, we brush over the very high valued series, these appear on the top left of the tree, according to the splitting procedure described before. Apparently, these are almost always in 2012 (they are descendants of the 2012 red node) and are usually on warm days. In the second, we brush over the slightly lower demand series. This includes almost all of the 2011 series (middle red node), but also a reasonable number of the winter (season < 1.5) 2012 series. So, we get a sense of both a trend of overall increasing demand as well as strong seasonal influence.


In our final timebox view, we use zooming to ask a very specific question: On what days do people ride bikes very late at night? We use the "visual scent" in the top right to select the window between 1AM and 7:30AM. We then introduce a brush to highlight those series for which there is higher demand during this time window. Then, referencing the tree, we see that these series usually correspond to warm weekends, which makes a lot of sense (not that I've ever tried it myself).



DOI Sankey

The sankey gives some alternative views of the same phenomena. Here, the colors encode different quantiles of 8AM demand. The colors on the left are associated with series with low 8AM demand, those on the right are associated with high 8AM demand. Reinforcing our conclusions from before, the first split places all of the bottom quintile into the "weekend" branch.


Next, we follow the branches associated with the top two quintiles (red and blue). We can see that the blue (top quintile) has the largest contribution among the working day, second year, later season series. A reasonable proportion of the red (second highest quintile) go down this branch too, but the red also makes up a large part of the earlier season, second year branch.


If we click to the branches on the left, we see branches that are made mostly of second and third quintile samples. These are generally associated with samples from the first year. The main difference between the second and third quintiles is that the third quintile samples are usually on warmer days.


krisrs1128/treelapse documentation built on Jan. 3, 2020, 6:29 p.m.