
Defines functions margin_to_df compute_margins

Documented in compute_margins margin_to_df

#' Compute margins for a weighting of a multi-level fitting problem
#' These functions allows checking a fit in terms of the original input data.
#' @details
#' `compute_margins()` computes margins in the format used for the input
#' controls (i.e., as expected by the `controls` parameter of the
#' [ml_problem()] function), based on a reference sample and a weight vector.
#' @inheritParams ml_fit
#' @param weights A vector with one entry per row of the original reference
#'   sample
#' @return `compute_margins()` returns a named list with two components,
#'   `individual` and `group`. Each contains a list of margins as `data.frame`s.
#' @seealso [ml_fit()]
#' @export
#' @importFrom plyr llply
#' @examples
#' path <- toy_example("Tiny")
#' problem <- readRDS(path)
#' fit <- ml_fit(ml_problem = problem, algorithm = "entropy_o")
#' margins <- compute_margins(problem, fit$weights)
#' margins
compute_margins <- function(ml_problem, weights, verbose = FALSE) {
  ref_sample <- ml_problem$refSample
  controls <- ml_problem$controls
  field_names <- ml_problem$fieldNames


  if (length(weights) != nrow(ref_sample)) {
    stop("For weights, use a vector with the same length as the number of rows in the reference sample.")

    setNames(nm = names(controls)),
    function(control.type) {
      weights_df <- data.frame(
        ..w.. = if (control.type == "individual") {
        } else {
          ifelse(duplicated(ref_sample[[field_names$groupId]]), 0, weights)
      ref_sample_w <- cbind(weights_df, ref_sample)

      control.list <- controls[[control.type]]
        control.type = control.type,
        function(control, control.type) {
          count_name <- get_count_field_name(control, field_names$count, message = message)
              setdiff(names(control), count_name),
            c("freq" = count_name)

#' @details
#' `margins_to_df()` converts margins to a data frame for easier comparison.
#' @param controls Margins as returned by `compute_margins` or as passed
#'   to the `controls` parameter of [ml_problem()].
#' @param count Name of control total column, autodetected by default.
#' @rdname compute_margins
#' @return `margins_to_df()` returns a data frame with the following columns:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{`..control.type..`}{Type of the control total: either `individual` or `group`.}
#'   \item{`..control.name..`}{Name of the control total, if exists.}
#'   \item{`..id..`}{Name of the control category.}
#'   \item{`..count..`}{Count of the control category.}
#' }
#' @importFrom plyr ldply
#' @export
#' @examples
#' margin_to_df(problem$controls)
#' margin_to_df(margins)
margin_to_df <- function(controls, count = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {

  message("Converting list structure to data frame")
    setNames(nm = names(controls)),
    function(control.type) {
      control.list <- controls[[control.type]]
        control.type = control.type,
        function(control, control.type) {
          count <- get_count_field_name(control, count, message)
          non_control <- control[sort(setdiff(names(control), count))]
          lex_order <- do.call(order, non_control)
            ..id.. = interaction(non_control[lex_order, ]),
            ..count.. = control[[count]][lex_order]
        .id = "..control.name.."
    .id = "..control.type.."
krlmlr/MultiLevelIPF documentation built on Sept. 3, 2024, 8:38 p.m.