checkpoint: Shiny feedback messages

View source: R/check.R

checkpointR Documentation

Shiny feedback messages


Wrapper around shiny::req() and shiny::showNotification(). Prevents application from crashing and displays guiding message about what the user is supposed to do in order to continue without this message to appear.


  evaluate = TRUE,
  case_false = NULL,
  error_notifications = list(no_name = "Could not save. Please enter a valid name",
    invalid_id = "Invalid input. ID must start with a letter.", name_in_use =
    "ID is already in use.", id_in_use = "ID is already in use.", too_many_polygons =
    "Drawing option is set to 'Single'. Can not save multiple annotations.",
    ann_var_already_exists = "This name is already used by another annotation variable.",
    insufficient_n_vertices = "Please determine at least three vertices.",
    insufficient_n_vertices2 =
    "Please determine at least two vertices and highlight the trajectory.", 
    invalid_segment_name = "Please enter a valid name for the segment.",
    no_ann_var_chosen = "Please create an annotation variable first.", no_chosen_name =
    "There are no names to choose from.", not_highlighted =
    "Please highlight the region with a click on 'Highlight'.", no_polygons =
    "No area encircled.", no_zoom_rect = "Can not zoom in without a drawn rectangular.",
    not_zoomed_in = "Completely zoomed out.", occupied_segment_name =
    "This segment name is already taken.", segment_name_not_found =
    "Could not find the specified segment.", 
     invalid_group_name =
    "Group names must start with a letter and must contain at least one letter.",
    still_drawing =
    "You are still drawing. Double click on the plot to leave the drawing mode. Then click on 'Highlight' again.",
    occupied_trajectory_name = "This trajectory name is already taken.",
    invalid_trajectory_name = "Please enter a valid name for the trajectory.",
    insufficient_n_genes = "Please determine at least two genes.", invalid_gs_string1 =
    "The class-prefix must not contain '_'.", invalid_gs_string2 =
    "Please enter a valid string for the class-prefix and the gene-set name.", 
    occupied_gs_name = "This gene-set name is already taken.", no_img_anns_selected =
    "No image annotations selected to plot.", invalid_expand = "Invalid expand input."),
  warning_notifications = list(),
  duration = 4,
  stop_process = TRUE,
  stop_app = FALSE



A vector of logical tests to be evaluated.


A character string indicating the message to be displayed if one element of evaluate turns out to be FALSE. Needs to be in base::names(error/warning_notifiations).


A named list of character strings.


A named list of character strings.


The duration the message is displayed.

stop_process, stop_app

Logical. What is supposed to happen if one element of evaluate turns out to be FALSE.


A shiny notification.

kueckelj/SPATA2 documentation built on March 16, 2024, 10:25 a.m.