getImageDims: Obtain image dimensions/ranges

View source: R/getH-M.R

getImageDimsR Documentation

Obtain image dimensions/ranges


Extracts information regarding the image.

  • getImageDims(): Extracts dimensions of the image, namely width, height and depth.

  • getImageRange(): Extracts range of the image axis.


getImageDims(object, ...)

getImageRange(object, ...)



An object of class spata2.


Used to absorb deprecated arguments or functions.


In case of confusion due to overlapping naming conventions: X-axis, x and x-range in terms of coordinates, corresponds to image width in terms of image analysis. Y-axis, y and y-range, in terms of coordinates, refers to image-height in terms of image analysis. SPATA2 primarily uses coordinates naming convention.


Similar output, different data structure:

  • getImageDims(): Vector of length three: image width, image height, image depth

  • getImageRange(): Named list, names are x and y. Each slot contains a vector of length two that describes the range of the x- and y-axis. Used for intersection between histology image and scatterplots.

kueckelj/SPATA2 documentation built on March 16, 2024, 10:25 a.m.