getImgAnnArea: Obtain area of image annotation

View source: R/getH-M.R

getImgAnnAreaR Documentation

Obtain area of image annotation


Computes the area of an image annotation in SI units of area.


  ids = NULL,
  unit = "mm2",
  tags = NULL,
  test = "any",
  as_numeric = TRUE,
  verbose = NULL,



An object of class spata2.


Character vector or NULL. If character, specifies the IDs of the image annotations of interest. If numeric, the image annotations are picked by number. If NULL, all image annotations are included - subsequent selection with tags and test is possible.


Character value. Specifies the desired unit.


Character vector or NULL. If character, the tags for the image annotation selection. See section Selection of image annotation with tags for more information.


Character value. One of any. all, identical, not_identical and none. Specifies how input for tags is used to select image annotations. See section Selection of image annotation with tags for more information.


Logical. If set to TRUE informative messages regarding the computational progress will be printed.

(Warning messages will always be printed.)


Used to absorb deprecated arguments or functions.


First, the side length of each pixel is calculated and based on that the area.

Second, the number of pixels that fall in the area given by the outer border of the image annotation is computed with

Third, if the image annotation contains holes the pixel that fall in these holes are removed.

Fourth, the number of remaining pixels s multiplied with the area per pixel.


Numeric vector of the same length as ids. Named accordingly. Contains the area of the image annotations in the unit that is specified in unit. The unit is attached to the output as an attribute named unit. E.g. if ⁠unit = *mm2*⁠ the output value has the unit mm^2.

Selection of image annotations with tags

Input for argument tags specifies the tags of interest. Argument test decides about how the specified tags are used to select the image annotations of interest. There are multiple options:

  1. Argument test set to 'any' or 1: To be included, an image annotation must be tagged with at least one of the input tags.

  2. Argument test set to 'all' or 2: To be included, an image annotation must be tagged with all of the input tags. Can contain tags that are not specified.

  3. Argument test set to 'identical' or 3: To be included, an image annotation must be tagged with all of the input tags. Can not be tagged with anything else.

  4. Argument test set to not_identical or 4: To be included, an image annotation must not be tagged with the combination of input tags.

  5. Argument test set to 'none' or 5: To be included, an image annotation must not contain any of the input tags.

Note that the filtering process happens after the filtering by input for argument ids. You can first select a group of image annotations by naming their IDs and then select among them via tags and test. If ids is NULL, you select among all image annotations via tags and test. And if tags is also NULL, the function uses all image annoations.

See Also

getImgAnnOutlineDf(), getCCD(), as_unit()

kueckelj/SPATA2 documentation built on March 16, 2024, 10:25 a.m.