ggpLayerRect: Add a rectangular to the plot

View source: R/g.R

ggpLayerRectR Documentation

Add a rectangular to the plot


Adds a rectangular to the plot.


  object = "object",
  alpha = 0,
  color = "black",
  size = 1,
  expand = 0,
  persp = "coords",



An object of class spata2.

xrange, yrange

Vector of length two. Specifies the x- and y-range of the rectangle. E.g. xrange = c(200, 500) results in a rectangle that ranges from 200px to 500px on the x-axis.

This argument works within the SPATA2 distance framework. If values are specified in SI units of length the input is immediately converted to pixel units.

See details and examples of ?is_dist and ?as_unit for more information.

alpha, color, fill, size

Given to ggplot2::geom_rect().


Specifies image expansion. An image that is cropped based on an image annotation centers around the image annotation. If expand = 0, the default, the dimensions of the image, that is width/x-axis and height/y-axis, are set to include only the image annotation area and nothing more. Using expand, the cropped image section can be adjusted. See section Expansion of cropped image sections for more information.


Additional arguments given to ggplot2::geom_rect().


ggpLayer*()-functions return lists of ggproto objects that can be added to ggplots via the + operator. In most of the cases they are supposed to be added to plots created with the plotSurface*() family.

kueckelj/SPATA2 documentation built on March 16, 2024, 10:25 a.m.