transform_area_si_to_pixel: Convert area in SI units to pixel

View source: R/t.R

transform_area_si_to_pixelR Documentation

Convert area in SI units to pixel


Transforms area in SI units to pixel based on the current resolution of the image in the SPATA2 object.


transform_area_si_to_pixel(input, object, round = FALSE)

transform_area_si_to_pixels(input, object, round = FALSE, as_numeric = TRUE)



Area in SI units. See details for more information.


A valid SPATA2 object or NULL. If specified the distance scaling is adjusted to the current resolution of the image inside the object. If NULL, image_dims and method must be specified.


Numeric value or FALSE. If numeric, given to digits of base::round(). Rounds transformed values before they are returned.


Logical value. If TRUE, forces the output to be numeric. This means that the unit is not not suffixed.


Transformed input. Vector of the same length as input. Function transform_area_si_to_pixel() always returns a single numeric value. Function transform_si_to_pixels() returns a numeric vector by default. If as_numeric is FALSE, the output is a string suffixed with px.

kueckelj/SPATA2 documentation built on March 16, 2024, 10:25 a.m.