
#' Deprecated functions in the \pkg{LendingClub} package.
#' The functions listed below are provided for compatability with older 
#' versions of the LendingClub package. They are deprecated and may 
#' be removed (defunct) in later versions. 
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' **Deprecated Function** \tab **Modern Function** \cr
#' \code{ AccountSummary } \tab \code{ \link{lc_AccountSummary}} \cr
#' \code{ AccountSummary_ } \tab \code{ \link{lc_AccountSummary}}  \cr
#' \code{ AddFunds } \tab \code{\link{lc_AddFunds}} \cr  
#' \code{ AvailableCash } \tab \code{\link{lc_AvailableCash}} \cr
#' \code{ CreatePortfolio } \tab \code{\link{lc_CreatePortfolio}} \cr
#' \code{ Dashboard } \tab \code{\link{lc_Dashboard}} \cr
#' \code{ DetailedNotesOwned } \tab \code{\link{lc_DetailedNotesOwned}} \cr
#' \code{ MakeCredential } \tab \code{\link{lc_MakeCredential}} \cr
#' \code{ NotesOwned }\tab  \code{\link{lc_NotesOwned}} \cr
#' \code{ ListedLoans } \tab \code{\link{lc_ListedLoans}} \cr
#' \code{ SubmitOrder } \tab \code{\link{lc_SubmitOrder}} \cr
#' }
#' @name LendingClub-deprecated
#' @rdname LendingClub-deprecated
#' @param ... Parameters to be passed to the modern versions of the function
#' @docType package
#' @aliases AccountSummary_ AddFunds AvailableCash CancelTransfer CreatePortfolio MakeCredential
#' Dashboard DetailedNotesOwned NotesOwned PendingTransfers SubmitOrder ListedLoans PortfoliosOwned 
#' WithdrawFunds
kuhnrl30/LendingClub documentation built on Jan. 1, 2020, 6:02 p.m.