
## ---- echo=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(LendingClub)
#  investorID<- Sys.getenv("id")
#  APIkey    <- Sys.getenv("key")
#  LC_CRED<- lc_MakeCredential(investorID, APIkey)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  LC_CRED<- lc_MakeCredential(investorID = readLines("path_to_creds.txt")[1],
#                              APIkey =  readLines("path_to_creds.txt")[2])

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  lc_ListedLoans()

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  lc_AccountSummary()

## ---- eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
#  LC_CRED<- lc_MakeCredential(investorID, APIkey)
#  # Establish a limt on how many loans are in the order
#  # by determing the max amount of $25 notes you can purchase.
#  notequantity<- as.numeric(lc_AvailableCash()$content[2, 2]) %/% 25
#  loans<- lc_ListedLoans()$content$loans
#  # Filter, sort, or apply your model to determine where to invest.
#  order<- loans %>%
#    filter(grade %in% c("A", "B")) %>%
#    sort(desc(intRate)) %>%
#    select(id) %>%
#    head(notequantity)
#  lc_SubmitOrder(loanId= order,
#                 amount= rep(25, notequantity),
#                 LC_CRED= LC_CRED)
kuhnrl30/LendingClub documentation built on Jan. 1, 2020, 6:02 p.m.