##### COPYRIGHT #############################################################################################################
# This package is governed by the JRD OCTOPUS License, which is the
# GNU General Public License V3 with additional terms. The precise license terms are located in the files
#TODO(Kyle) - CHeck to see if this function is still needed, looks to be no longer needed 7.18.2019
#' @name RunFinalAnalysis
#' @title RunFinalAnalysis
#' @description{ Need description }
#' @seealso { \href{https://github.com/kwathen/OCTOPUS/blob/master/R/RunFinalTrialAnalysis.R}{View Code on GitHub} }
#' @export
RunFinalTrialAnalysis <- function( cISADesigns, cEnrolledPats, vISAStatus, vISAAnalysisIndx )
UseMethod( "RunFinalTrialAnalysis", cISADesigns )
#' @seealso { \href{https://github.com/kwathen/OCTOPUS/blob/master/R/RunFinalTrialAnalysis.R}{View Code on GitHub} }
#' @export
RunFinalTrialAnalysis.default <- function( cISADesigns, cEnrolledPats, vISAStatus, vISAAnalysisIndx )
nQtyISA <- length( cISADesigns )
lResISA <- list()
bISAAnalysisRun <- FALSE
vTimeFinalAnalysis <- rep( -1, nQtyISA)
for( nISA in 1:nQtyISA)
lISARes <- list()
if( vISAStatus[ nISA ] == 2 )
#print( paste( ".....ISA ", nISA, " FA - Case 1"))
#Figure out when the FA for this ISA is
dAnayTime <- GetFinalISAAnalysisTime( cISADesigns, nISA, cEnrolledPats )
cISAAnalysis <- cISADesigns[[ nISA ]]$cISAAnalysis
lDataAna <- CreateDataSetForAnalysis( cEnrolledPats, dAnayTime, vISAStatus )
class( lDataAna ) <- class( cISAAnalysis)
lDataTmp <- SubsetData( lDataAna, nISA ) # cISAAnalysis$nISA )
lISARes <- RunISAAnalysis( cISAAnalysis, lDataTmp, vISAAnalysisIndx[ nISA], TRUE )
bISAAnalysisRun <- TRUE
vISAAnalysisIndx[ nISA ] <- vISAAnalysisIndx[ nISA ] + 1
vTimeFinalAnalysis[ nISA ] <- dAnayTime
else if( vISAStatus[ nISA ] <= 1 )
bISAAnalysisRun <- FALSE
#print( paste( "......ISA ", nISA, " FA - Case 2 ****************** THIS CASE SHOULD NOT OCCUR"))
lISARes <- list( nGo = 1, nNoGo = 0, nPause = 0)
bISAAnalysisRun <- FALSE
#print( paste( ".....ISA ", nISA, " FA - Case 3"))
lISARes$bISAAnalysisRun <- bISAAnalysisRun
lResISA[[paste("lResISA", nISA, sep="")]] <- lISARes
lRet <- list( lResISA = lResISA, vISAAnalysisIndx = vISAAnalysisIndx, vTimeFinalAnalysis = vTimeFinalAnalysis )
return( lRet )
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