
Defines functions RunTrialAnalysis.default RunTrialAnalysis

Documented in RunTrialAnalysis RunTrialAnalysis.default

##### COPYRIGHT #############################################################################################################.
# This package is governed by the JRD OCTOPUS License, which is the
# GNU General Public License V3 with additional terms. The precise license terms are located in the files

############### Trial Level Analysis ##################################################################################################.
#  Trial level analysis - will go through and conduct the analysis for each ISA.
#  This version is sent all the available data in lDataAna then for each ISA gets the subset
#   that is specific to that ISA.  If we want to do a version that borrows control info
#   a new version could be adapted.
#    The cEnrolledPats  is all the data in the trial.  Thus, when sending to an ISA analysis it should first be subset
# it should have the following elements
# $vStartTimes
# $vTrt
# $vISA
# $lPatOut
# $lPatOut$mSimOut1
# [,1]     [,2]    [,3]     [,4]     [,5]
# [1,] 236.0638 211.916 136.4621 218.7731 206.6974
# attr(,"class")
# $lPatOut$mSimOut2
# [,1]
# [1,] -1
# attr(,"class")
# $vCurrentQtyPatsISA
# [1] 0 1
# $vTrtLab
# [1] 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
# $vISALab  #
# [1] 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
# $vQtyPatsArmISA (this is the vector of # patients in ISA1, ISA2,...)
# $vObsTime1
# $vObsTime2

#' @name RunTrialAnalysis
#' @title RunTrialAnalysis
#' @description { RunTrialAnalysis is a generic method to execute the trial level analysis, eg execute all ISA analysis.
#' Any implementation of RunTrialAnalysis must increment vISAAnalysisIndx if an analysis is run for an ISA   }
#' @seealso { \href{https://github.com/kwathen/OCTOPUS/blob/master/R/RunTrialAnalysis.R}{View Code on GitHub} }
#' @export
RunTrialAnalysis <- function( cISADesigns, cEnrolledPats,  vISAStatus, dCurrentTime,  vRunISAAnalysis, vISAAnalysisIndx, vIsFinalISAAnalysis, cRandomizer  )
    UseMethod( "RunTrialAnalysis", cISADesigns )

# The cEnrolledPats  is all the data in the trial.  Thus, when sending to an ISA analysis it should first be subset
# it should have the following elements
# $vStartTimes
# $vTrt
# $vISA
# $lPatOut
# $lPatOut$mSimOut1
# [,1]     [,2]    [,3]     [,4]     [,5]
# [1,] 236.0638 211.916 136.4621 218.7731 206.6974
# attr(,"class")
# $lPatOut$mSimOut2
# [,1]
# [1,] -1
# attr(,"class")
# $vCurrentQtyPatsISA
# [1] 0 1
# $vTrtLab
# [1] 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
# $vISALab  #
# [1] 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
# $vQtyPatsArmISA (this is the vector of # patients in ISA1, ISA2,...)
# $vObsTime1

#' @name RunTrialAnalysis
#' @title RunTrialAnalysis
#' @description { RunTrialAnalysis is a generic method to execute the trial analysis.
#' Any implementation of RunTrialAnalysis must increment vISAAnalysisIndx if an analysis is run for an ISA.
#' Trial level analysis go through the following steps:
#'     1. CreateDataSetForAnalysis - creates the data set for analysis for all ISAs will go through and call ProcessData
#'        based on  the specific class of the outcome
#'     2. Loop through each ISA and build the dataset for analysis for the specific ISA if it is borrowing.  The
#'        borrowing is done via the SubsetData call and it will depend on the specific class of cISADesigns[[i]]$cISAAnalysis. The
#'        available options are AllControls or NoBorrowing but since SubsetData is an S3 generic new functions can be added.
#'     3. Runs the analysis for each ISA via a call to  RunISAAnalysis
#'   Because the decision is tied to the analysis, each ISA analysis should contain the elements nGo, nNoGo, nPause as part of the list returned.
#'  }
#' @seealso { \href{https://github.com/kwathen/OCTOPUS/blob/master/R/RunTrialAnalysis.R}{View Code on GitHub} }
#' @export
RunTrialAnalysis.default <- function( cISADesigns, cEnrolledPats,  vISAStatus, dCurrentTime,  vRunISAAnalysis, vISAAnalysisIndx, vIsFinalISAAnalysis, cRandomizer  )
    nQtyISA <- length( cISADesigns )

    if( all( vRunISAAnalysis  == 0 ) )
        #None of the ISAs are ready or need an analysis run
        for( iISA in 1:nQtyISA )
            lISARes <- list( nGo = 1, nNoGo = 0, nPause = 0)

    lDataAna <-  CreateDataSetForAnalysis( cEnrolledPats, dCurrentTime, vISAStatus )

    lResISA <- list()
    nISA <- 1

    for( nISA in 1:nQtyISA)
        lISARes <- list()
        #print( paste( "RunTrialAna - ISA ", nISA,  " vISAStatus", vISAStatus[nISA]))

        #TODO: Should we run the Analysis for an ISA anytime the vRunISAAnalysis = 1?

        if( vRunISAAnalysis[ nISA ] == 1 &&  vISAStatus[ nISA ] <=2 )   #If the minimum is met and the ISA is open then do the analysis

            # print( paste( ".....Case 1 - Running analysis for ISA ", nISA, " ISAStatus ", vISAStatus[ nISA ]))
            cISAAnalysis <- cISADesigns[[ nISA ]]$cISAAnalysis
            #print( paste( "Data for trial "))
            #print( lDataAna )

            class( lDataAna ) <- class( cISAAnalysis)
            lDataTmp <- SubsetData( lDataAna, nISA ) #cISAAnalysis$nISA )

            #  TODO - This use to have vIsFinalISA which has been replaced by index but may not do all that is necessar

            #TODO(Covs) - Copyithe returned randomizre   cRandomizer[[ nISA]]$dfSubGroupEnrollmentStatus
            lISARes <- RunISAAnalysis( cISAAnalysis, lDataTmp, vISAAnalysisIndx[ nISA],  vIsFinalISAAnalysis[ nISA ], cRandomizer[[ nISA ]]  )
            #cRandomizer[[ nISA ]]$dfSubGroupEnrollmentStatus <- lISARes$cRandomizer$dfSubGroupEnrollmentStatus

            vISAAnalysisIndx[ nISA ] <- vISAAnalysisIndx[ nISA ] + 1

        else if( vISAStatus[ nISA ] > 2 )
            #   3 = Closed with a Go before FA,
            #   4 = Closed - No Go before FA
            #   5 = closed - Go at the FA
            #   6 = Closed - No Go at the FA
            #   7 = Closed - Pause at the FA

            nGo <- 0
            nNoGo <- 0
            nPause <- 0
            if( vISAStatus[ nISA ] == 3 | vISAStatus[ nISA ] ==5)
                nGo <- 1
            else if( vISAStatus[ nISA ] == 4 | vISAStatus[ nISA ] ==6)
                nNOGo <- 1
                nPause <- 1

            cISAAnalysis <- cISADesigns[[ nISA ]]$cISAAnalysis
            nQtyAna <- length( cISAAnalysis$vAnalysis )
            iAna    <- 1
            lISARes <- list()
                lISARes[[paste("lAnalysis", iAna, sep="")]] <- list( nGo = nGo, nNoGo = nNoGo, nPause = nPause, cRandomizer =  cRandomizer[[ nISA ]])

                if( iAna == nQtyAna )
                iAna <- iAna + 1

            #print( "Case 3")
        else #(  vISAStatus[ nISA ] <= 1  )

            #print( ".....Case 2 - Analysis not being run for ISA ", nISA )

            cISAAnalysis <- cISADesigns[[ nISA ]]$cISAAnalysis

            nQtyAna <- length( cISAAnalysis$vAnalysis )
            iAna    <- 1
            lISARes <- list()
                lISARes[[paste("lAnalysis", iAna, sep="")]] <- list( nGo = 0, nNoGo = 0, nPause = 1, cRandomizer =  cRandomizer[[ nISA ]])

                if( iAna == nQtyAna )
                iAna <- iAna + 1

        lISARes$bISAAnalysisRun <- (vRunISAAnalysis[ nISA ] == 1)

        lResISA[[paste("lResISA", nISA, sep="")]] <- lISARes #[ names( lISARes ) != "cRandomizer" ]

    lRet <- list( lResISA = lResISA, vISAAnalysisIndx = vISAAnalysisIndx ) #, cRandomizer = cRandomizer )
    return( lRet )

kwathen/OCTOPUS documentation built on Oct. 24, 2024, 12:36 p.m.