haritonenko.sugarbeet.uniformity: Uniformity trial of sugar beet

haritonenko.sugarbeet.uniformityR Documentation

Uniformity trial of sugar beet


Uniformity trial of sugar beet in Russia.




A data frame with 416 observations on the following 3 variables.


Row ordinate


Column ordinate


Yield in pfund per plot


Roemer (1920) says: Haritonenko (36), experiment at Ivanovskoye Agricultural Experimental Station, Novgorod Governorate. The test area was 5.68 ha with 416 sections (plots) of 136.5 square meters. Row 1 has significantly less soil than the other three rows.

Based on the heatmap, 'Row 1' is the left column.

Roemer p. 63 says: Table 4: Root yield in pfund of 30 quadratfaden (1.33 x 22.5). If we use 1 faden = 7 feet, then: (1.33 faden * 7 feet) * (22.5 faden * 7 feet) * 416 plots = 609991 sq feet = 5.68 hectares, which matches the experiment description.

A 'pfund' (Germany pound) is today defined as 500g, but in 1920 might have been different, perhaps 467g???

Field width: 4 plots * (22.5 faden * 7 feet/faden) = 630 feet.

Field length: 104 plots * (1.33 faden * 7 feet/faden) = 968 feet.

Note: Cochran says the plots are 8 x 135 ft. This seems to be based on 1 faden = 6 feet, but this does not match the total area 5.68 ha.

Note: The name Haritonenko is sometimes translated into English as: Pavel Kharitonenko.

The data were typed by K.Wright from Roemer (1920), table 4, p. 63.


Haritonenko, Pavlo. Neue Prazisionsmethoden auf den Versuchsfeldern. Arbeiten der landw. Versuchsstation Iwanowskoje 1904-06, S. 159. In Russian with German summary.


Neyman, J., & Iwaszkiewicz, K. (1935). Statistical problems in agricultural experimentation. Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 2(2), 107-180.

Roemer, T. (1920). Der Feldversuch. Arbeiten der Deutschen Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft, 302. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Arbeiten_der_Deutschen_Landwirtschafts_G/7zBSAQAAMAAJ


## Not run: 
  dat <- haritonenko.sugarbeet.uniformity

  mean(dat$yield) # 615.68. # Roemer page 37 says 617
  desplot(dat, yield ~ col*row,
          flip=TRUE, aspect=(104*1.33*7)/(4*22.5*7), ticks=TRUE,

## End(Not run)

kwstat/agridat documentation built on Feb. 20, 2025, 9:44 p.m.