snedecor.asparagus: Asparagus yields for different cutting treatments

snedecor.asparagusR Documentation

Asparagus yields for different cutting treatments


Asparagus yields for different cutting treatments, in 4 years.


A data frame with 64 observations on the following 4 variables.


block factor, 4 levels


year, numeric


treatment factor of final cutting date


yield, ounces


Planted in 1927. Cutting began in 1929. Yield is the weight of asparagus cuttings up to Jun 1 in each plot. Some plots received continued cuttings until Jun 15, Jul 1, and Jul 15.

In the past, repeated-measurement experiments like this were sometimes analyzed as if they were a split-plot experiment. This violates some indpendence assumptions.


Snedecor and Cochran, 1989. Statistical Methods.


Mick O'Neill, 2010. A Guide To Linear Mixed Models In An Experimental Design Context. Statistical Advisory & Training Service Pty Ltd.


## Not run: 
  dat <- snedecor.asparagus

  dat <- transform(dat, year=factor(year))
  dat$trt <- factor(dat$trt,
                    levels=c("Jun-01", "Jun-15", "Jul-01", "Jul-15"))

  # Continued cutting reduces plant vigor and yield
  dotplot(yield ~ trt|year, data=dat,
          xlab="Cutting treatment", main="snedecor.asparagus")

  # Split-plot
    m1 <- lmer(yield ~ trt + year + trt:year +
                 (1|block) + (1|block:trt), data=dat)

  # ----------

  if(require("asreml", quietly=TRUE)){

    # Split-plot with asreml
    m2 <- asreml(yield ~ trt + year + trt:year, data=dat,
                 random = ~ block + block:trt)
    ##    effect component std.error z.ratio bound 
    ##     block     354.3     405      0.87     P 0.1
    ## block:trt     462.8     256.9    1.8      P 0  
    ##   units!R     404.7      82.6    4.9      P 0  
    ## # Antedependence with asreml.  See O'Neill (2010).
    dat <- dat[order(dat$block, dat$trt), ]
    m3 <- asreml(yield ~ year * trt, data=dat,
                 random = ~ block,
                 residual = ~ block:trt:ante(year,1),
    m3 <- update(m3)
    m3 <- update(m3)

    ## # Extract the covariance matrix for years and convert to correlation
    ## covmat <- diag(4)
    ## covmat[upper.tri(covmat,diag=TRUE)] <- m3$R.param$`block:trt:year`$year$initial
    ## covmat[lower.tri(covmat)] <- t(covmat)[lower.tri(covmat)]
    ## round(cov2cor(covmat),2) # correlation among the 4 years
    ## #      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
    ## # [1,] 1.00 0.45 0.39 0.31
    ## # [2,] 0.45 1.00 0.86 0.69
    ## # [3,] 0.39 0.86 1.00 0.80
    ## # [4,] 0.31 0.69 0.80 1.00
    ## # We can also build the covariance Sigma by hand from the estimated
    ## # variance components via: Sigma^-1 = U D^-1 U'
    ## vv <- vc(m3)
    ## print(vv)
    ## ##            effect component std.error z.ratio constr
    ## ##   block!block.var  86.56    156.9        0.55    pos
    ## ##        R!variance   1              NA      NA    fix
    ## ##  R!year.1930:1930   0.00233   0.00106    2.2   uncon
    ## ##  R!year.1931:1930  -0.7169    0.4528    -1.6   uncon
    ## ##  R!year.1931:1931   0.00116   0.00048    2.4   uncon
    ## ##  R!year.1932:1931  -1.139     0.1962    -5.8   uncon
    ## ##  R!year.1932:1932   0.00208   0.00085    2.4   uncon
    ## ##  R!year.1933:1932  -0.6782    0.1555    -4.4   uncon
    ## ##  R!year.1933:1933   0.00201   0.00083    2.4   uncon
    ## U <- diag(4)
    ## U[1,2] <- vv[4,2] ; U[2,3] <- vv[6,2] ; U[3,4] <- vv[8,2]
    ## Dinv <- diag(c(vv[3,2], vv[5,2], vv[7,2], vv[9,2]))
    ## # solve(U 
    ## solve(crossprod(t(U), tcrossprod(Dinv, U)) )
    ## ##          [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]
    ## ## [1,] 428.4310  307.1478  349.8152  237.2453
    ## ## [2,] 307.1478 1083.9717 1234.5516  837.2751
    ## ## [3,] 349.8152 1234.5516 1886.5150 1279.4378
    ## ## [4,] 237.2453  837.2751 1279.4378 1364.8446

## End(Not run)

kwstat/agridat documentation built on Dec. 17, 2024, 3:56 p.m.