
Defines functions vsup.redblue vsup.viridis stevens.purplegold stevens.greenblue stevens.pinkblue stevens.bluered stevens.pinkgreen tolochko.redblue census.blueyellow brewer.seqseq2 brewer.seqseq1 brewer.divdiv brewer.qualseq brewer.divseq brewer.divbin brewer.qualbin arc.bluepink

Documented in arc.bluepink brewer.divbin brewer.divdiv brewer.divseq brewer.qualbin brewer.qualseq brewer.seqseq1 brewer.seqseq2 census.blueyellow stevens.bluered stevens.greenblue stevens.pinkblue stevens.pinkgreen stevens.purplegold tolochko.redblue vsup.redblue vsup.viridis

# bivariate.R
# Time-stamp: <30 Dec 2021 12:31:09 c:/one/rpack/pals/r/bivariate.R>
# Copyright Kevin Wright, 2017, GPL-3

#' Bivariate palettes
#' Color palettes designed for bivariate choropleth maps.
#' In many of these palette names, the color in the upper left corner is given first, and the color
#' in the lower right corner is given second.
#' The `brewer.*` palettes use `bin` (binary), `div` (diverging), `qual` (qualitative), `seq` (sequential) for the horizontal and vertical directions.
#' The `arc.bluepink` palette uses white in the lower-left corner, which makes it
#' difficult to see the difference between low values and missing data on maps.
#' The `census.blueyellow` palette is slightly different, in that one direction
#' uses lightness, and the other direction uses hue (yellow, green, blue).
#' The `vsup.*` palettes are Value-Suppressing Uncertainty Palettes.
#' We strongly discourage using `vsup.viridis`, because the horizontal axis has
#' changes in brightness, which are confounded with the changes in brightness
#' in the vertical axis.
#' These palettes are all deliberately chosen to be discrete.
#' Bivariate color palettes can be difficult to use and interpret. Please be careful.
#' @param n Number of colors to return.
#' @return A vector of colors as hex strings.
#' @author Palette colors by various authors. R code by Kevin Wright.
#' @examples
#' bivcol <- function(pal, nx=3, ny=3){
#'   tit <- substitute(pal)
#'   if(is.function(pal)) pal <- pal()
#'   ncol <- length(pal)
#'   if(missing(nx)) nx <- sqrt(ncol)
#'   if(missing(ny)) ny <- nx
#'   image(matrix(1:ncol, nrow=ny), axes=FALSE, col=pal)
#'   mtext(tit)
#' }
#' op <- par(mfrow=c(4,4), mar=c(1,1,2,1))
#' bivcol(arc.bluepink)
#' bivcol(brewer.divbin, nx=3)
#' bivcol(brewer.divdiv)
#' bivcol(brewer.divseq)
#' bivcol(brewer.qualbin, nx=3)
#' bivcol(brewer.qualseq)
#' bivcol(brewer.seqseq1)
#' bivcol(brewer.seqseq2)
#' bivcol(census.blueyellow)
#' bivcol(stevens.bluered)
#' bivcol(stevens.greenblue)
#' bivcol(stevens.pinkblue)
#' bivcol(stevens.pinkgreen)
#' bivcol(stevens.purplegold)
#' bivcol(tolochko.redblue)
#' bivcol(vsup.redblue, nx=8)
#' par(op)
#' @references
#' Joshua Stevens.
#' http://www.joshuastevens.net/cartography/make-a-bivariate-choropleth-map/
#' Cindy Brewer.
#' http://www.personal.psu.edu/cab38/ColorSch/Schemes.html
#' Michael Correll AND Dominik Moritz AND Jeffrey Heer. (2018).
#' Value-Suppressing Uncertainty Palettes.
#' https://github.com/uwdata/papers-vsup
#' Robin Tolochko.
#' http://tolomaps.tumblr.com/post/131671267233/creating-a-bivariate-choropleth-color-scheme
#' Aileen Buckley.
#' https://www.slideshare.net/aileenbuckley/arc-gis-bivariate-mapping-tools-28903069
#' https://www.census.gov/population/www/cen2000/atlas/
#' Total Population, p. 4.
#' @name bivariate

#' @export
#' @rdname bivariate
arc.bluepink <- function(n=9) {
  if(n >  16) {
    message("Only 16 colors are available with 'arc.bluepink'")
    n <- 16

  pal <- c("#ffffff","#ffe6fe","#ffbdff","#ff80fe",

#' @export
#' @rdname bivariate
brewer.qualbin <- function(n=6) {
  if(n >  6) {
    message("Only 6 colors are available with 'brewer.qualbin'")
    n <- 6

  pal <- c("#cce8d7","#c2d8ea","#fbb4d9","#80b696","#84a0c0","#de68a6")

#' @export
#' @rdname bivariate
brewer.divbin <- function(n=6) {
  if(n >  6) {
    message("Only 6 colors are available with 'brewer.divbin'")
    n <- 6

  pal <- c("#b7c3e0","#e6e6e6","#ffc080","#004494","#a6a6a6","#cc4c00")

#' @export
#' @rdname bivariate
brewer.divseq <- function(n=9) {
  if(n >  9) {
    message("Only 9 colors are available with 'brewer.divseq'")
    n <- 9

  pal <- c("#c3b3d8","#e6e6e6","#ffcc80","#7b67ab","#bfbfbf","#f35926","#240d5e","#7f7f7f","#b30000")

#' @export
#' @rdname bivariate
brewer.qualseq <- function(n=9) {
  if(n >  9) {
    message("Only 9 colors are available with 'brewer.qualseq'")
    n <- 9

  pal <- c("#cce8d7","#cedced","#fbb4d9","#80c39b","#85a8d0","#f668b3","#008837","#0a50a1","#d60066")

#' @export
#' @rdname bivariate
brewer.divdiv <- function(n=9) {
  if(n >  9) {
    message("Only 9 colors are available with 'brewer.divdiv'")
    n <- 9

  pal <- c("#f37300","#cce88b","#008837","#fe9aa6","#e6e6e6","#9ac9d5","#f0047f","#cd9acc","#5a4da4")

#' @export
#' @rdname bivariate
brewer.seqseq1 <- function(n=9) {
  if(n >  9) {
    message("Only 9 colors are available with 'brewer.seqseq1'")
    n <- 9

  pal <- c("#e8e6f2", "#b5d3e7", "#4fadd0", "#e5b4d9", "#b8b3d8", "#3983bb", "#de4fa6", "#b03598", "#2a1a8a")

#' @export
#' @rdname bivariate
brewer.seqseq2 <- function(n=9) {
  if(n >  9) {
    message("Only 9 colors are available with 'brewer.seqseq2'")
    n <- 9

  pal <- c("#f3f3f3", "#b4d3e1", "#509dc2", "#f3e6b3", "#b3b3b3", "#376387", "#f3b300", "#b36600", "#000000")

#' @export
#' @rdname bivariate
census.blueyellow <- function(n=9){
  if(n >  9) {
    message("Only 9 colors are available with 'census.blueyellow'")
    n <- 9

  pal <- c("#fffdef","#fef3a9","#efd100","#e6f1df","#bedebc","#4eb87b","#d2e4f6","#a1c8ea","#007fc4")

#' @export
#' @rdname bivariate
tolochko.redblue <- function(n=9) {
  if(n >  9) {
    message("Only 9 colors are available with 'tolochko.redblue'")
    n <- 9

  pal <- c("#dddddd", "#7bb3d1", "#016eae", "#dd7c8a", "#8d6c8f", "#4a4779", "#cc0024", "#8a274a", "#4b264d")

#' @export
#' @rdname bivariate
stevens.pinkgreen <- function(n=9) {
  if(n >  9) {
    message("Only 9 colors are available with 'stevens.pinkgreen'")
    n <- 9

  pal <- c("#f3f3f3", "#c2f1ce", "#8be2af", "#eac5dd", "#9ec6d3", "#7fc6b1", "#e6a3d0", "#bc9fce", "#7b8eaf")

#' @export
#' @rdname bivariate
stevens.bluered <- function(n=9) {
  if(n >  9) {
    message("Only 9 colors are available with 'stevens.bluered'")
    n <- 9

  pal <- c("#e8e8e8", "#e4acac", "#c85a5a", "#b0d5df", "#ad9ea5", "#985356", "#64acbe", "#627f8c", "#574249")

#' @export
#' @rdname bivariate
stevens.pinkblue <- function(n=9) {
  if(n >  9) {
    message("Only 9 colors are available with 'stevens.pinkblue'")
    n <- 9

  pal <- c("#e8e8e8", "#ace4e4", "#5ac8c8", "#dfb0d6", "#a5add3", "#5698b9", "#be64ac", "#8c62aa", "#3b4994")

#' @export
#' @rdname bivariate
stevens.greenblue <- function(n=9) {
  if(n >  9) {
    message("Only 9 colors are available with 'stevens.greenblue'")
    n <- 9

  pal <- c("#e8e8e8", "#b5c0da", "#6c83b5", "#b8d6be", "#90b2b3", "#567994", "#73ae80", "#5a9178", "#2a5a5b")

#' @export
#' @rdname bivariate
stevens.purplegold <- function(n=9) {
  if(n >  9) {
    message("Only 9 colors are available with 'stevens.purplegold'")
    n <- 9

  pal <- c("#e8e8e8", "#e4d9ac", "#c8b35a", "#cbb8d7", "#c8ada0", "#af8e53", "#9972af", "#976b82", "#804d36")

#' @export
#' @rdname bivariate
vsup.viridis <- function(n=32) {
  if(n >  32) {
    message("Only 32 colors are available with 'vsup.viridis'")
    n <- 32

  pal <- c("#48186A", "#424085", "#33628D", "#26828D", "#1FA087", "#3EBA72", "#83D44B", "#D8E318",
           "#755D9B", "#755D9B", "#6792A9", "#6792A9", "#6CC49E", "#6CC49E", "#C5E56D", "#C5E56D", 
           "#9DA4C4", "#9DA4C4", "#9DA4C4", "#9DA4C4", "#B4E5B0", "#B4E5B0", "#B4E5B0", "#B4E5B0",
           "#CDE3E1", "#CDE3E1", "#CDE3E1", "#CDE3E1", "#CDE3E1", "#CDE3E1", "#CDE3E1", "#CDE3E1")

#' @export
#' @rdname bivariate
vsup.redblue <- function(n=32) {
  if(n >  32) {
    message("Only 32 colors are available with 'vsup.redblue'")
    n <- 32

  pal <- c("#8F223C", "#841A4E", "#790C60", "#6B0573", "#602381", "#5A3C8A","#524D92", "#475D9C",
           "#A85B6D", "#A85B6D", "#94548C", "#94548C", "#8360A2", "#8360A2", "#787BB0","#787BB0", 
           "#BE8EA6", "#BE8EA6", "#BE8EA6", "#BE8EA6", "#A79CC5", "#A79CC5", "#A79CC5", "#A79CC5",
           "#DCDCDC", "#DCDCDC", "#DCDCDC", "#DCDCDC", "#DCDCDC", "#DCDCDC", "#DCDCDC", "#DCDCDC")

kwstat/pals documentation built on July 19, 2024, 10:26 p.m.