
ask <- par(ask=TRUE)

# An example of how the exponential works
test_data <- data.frame(coef=c(2.45, 0.43),
                        low=c(1.5, 0.25),
                        high=c(4, 0.75),
                        boxsize=c(0.5, 0.5))
row_names <- cbind(c("Name", "Variable A", "Variable B"),
                   c("HR", test_data$coef))
test_data <- rbind(rep(NA, 3), test_data)

forestplot(labeltext = row_names,
           test_data[,c("coef", "low", "high")],
           is.summary=c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE),
           boxsize   = test_data$boxsize,
           zero      = 1,
           xlog      = TRUE,
           col = fpColors(lines="#990000", box="#660000", zero = "darkblue"),
           new_page = TRUE)

kylehamilton/MAJOR documentation built on May 27, 2021, 5:48 a.m.