icsw-package: Inverse compliance score weighting

Description Details Author(s) References


Inverse compliance score weighting is a tool for estimating average treatment effects from local average treatment effects by weighting units using inverse probabilities of complying with an encouragement (instrument).


Package: icsw
Type: Package
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2018-05-16
License: MIT
LazyLoad: yes


Peter M. Aronow <peter.aronow@yale.edu>; Dean Eckles <icsw@deaneckles.com>; Kyle Peyton <kyle.peyton@yale.edu>

Maintainer: Kyle Peyton <kyle.peyton@yale.edu>


Bethany Albertson and Adria Lawrence. (2009). After the credits roll: The long-term effects of educational television on public knowledge and attitudes. American Politics Research. 37(2): 275-300.

Peter M. Aronow and Allison Carnegie. (2013). Beyond LATE: Estimation of the average treatment effect with an instrumental variable. Political Analysis. 21.4 (2013): 492-506.

Peter M. Aronow and Allison Carnegie. (2013). Replication data for: Beyond LATE: Estimation of the average treatment effect with an instrumental variable. Dataverse Network. http://hdl.handle.net/1902.1/21729 (accessed May 14, 2015).

kylepeyton/icsw documentation built on May 31, 2019, 11:44 p.m.