
#' Estimating regional trends of a prevalence from a DHS.
#' \pkg{prevR} allows spatial estimation of a prevalence surface or a relative
#' risks surface, using data from a Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) or an
#' analog survey.
#' @details \tabular{ll}{
#' Package: \tab prevR\cr
#' Type: \tab Package\cr
#' Licence: \tab CeCILL-C -
#'   \url{https://cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-C_V1-en.html}\cr
#' Website: \tab \url{https://larmarange.github.io/prevR/}\cr
#' }
#' This package performs a methodological approach for spatial estimation of
#' regional trends of a prevalence using data from surveys using a stratified
#' two-stage sample design (as Demographic and Health Surveys). In these kind
#' of surveys, positive and control cases are spatially positioned at the
#' centre of their corresponding surveyed cluster.
#' This package provides functions to estimate a prevalence surface using a
#' kernel estimator with adaptative bandwidths of equal number of persons
#' surveyed (a variant of the nearest neighbor technique) or with fixed
#' bandwidths. The prevalence surface could also be calculated using a spatial
#' interpolation (kriging or inverse distance weighting) after a moving average
#' smoothing based on circles of equal number of observed persons or circles
#' of equal radius.
#' With the kernel estimator approach, it's also possible to estimate a surface
#' of relative risks.
#' For a quick demo, enter \code{quick.prevR(fdhs)}.
#' For a full demo, enter \code{demo(prevR)}.
#' The content of \pkg{prevR} can be broken up as follows:
#' \emph{Datasets}\cr
#' [fdhs] is a fictive dataset used for testing the package.\cr
#' [TMWorldBorders] provides national borders of every countries in the World
#'   and could be used to define the limits of the studied area.
#' \emph{Creating objects}\cr
#' \pkg{prevR} functions takes as input objects of class [prevR-class].\cr
#' [import.dhs()] allows to import easily, through a step by step procedure,
#'   data from a DHS (Demographic and Health Surveys) downloaded from
#'   \url{http://www.measuredhs.com}.\cr
#' [as.prevR()] is a generic function to create an object of class
#'   [prevR-class].\cr
#' [create.boundary()] could be used to select borders of a country and
#'   transfer them to [as.prevR()] in order to define the studied area.
#' \emph{Data visualization}\cr
#' Methods [show()], [print()]
#'   and [summary()] display a summary of a object of class
#'   [prevR-class].\cr
#' The method [plot()] could be used on a object of class
#'   [prevR-class] for visualizing the studied area, spatial position
#'   of clusters, number of observations or number of positive cases by cluster.
#' \emph{Data manipulation}\cr
#' The method [changeproj()] changes the projection
#'   of the spatial coordinates.\cr
#' The method [as.data.frame()] converts an object of
#'   class [prevR-class] into a data frame.\cr
#' The method [export()] export data and/or the studied
#'   area in a text file, a dbf file or a shapefile.
#' \emph{Data analysis}\cr
#' [rings()] calculates rings of equal number of
#'   observations and/or equal radius.\cr
#' [kde()] calculates a prevalence surface or a relative
#'   risks surface using gaussian kernel density estimators (kde)
#'   with adaptative bandwidths.\cr
#' [krige()] executes a spatial interpolation using an
#'   ordinary kriging.\cr
#' [idw()] executes a spatial interpolation using an inverse
#'   distance weighting (idw) technique.
#' @author
#' Joseph Larmarange \email{joseph.larmarange@@ird.fr}\cr
#' IRD - CEPED (UMR 196 Université Paris Descartes Ined IRD)
#' @section Acknowledgment: \pkg{prevR} has been developed with funding from
#' the French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis
#' (ANRS - \url{http://www.anrs.fr}) and the French Research Institute for
#' Sustainable Development (IRD - \url{https://www.ird.fr}), and technical
#' support from LYSIS (info@@lysis-consultants.fr).
#' @section Citation: To cite \pkg{prevR}:\cr
#' Larmarange Joseph, Vallo Roselyne, Yaro Seydou, Msellati Philippe and
#' Meda Nicolas (2011) "Methods for mapping regional trends of HIV prevalence
#' from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS)",
#' \emph{Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography}, no 558,
#' \url{https://journals.openedition.org/cybergeo/24606},
#' DOI: 10.4000/cybergeo.24606.
#' @references
#' Larmarange Joseph and Bendaud Victoria (2014) "HIV estimates at second
#' subnational level from national population-based survey",
#' \emph{AIDS}, n° 28, p. S469-S476, DOI: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000000480
#' Larmarange Joseph, Vallo Roselyne, Yaro Seydou, Msellati Philippe and Meda
#' Nicolas (2011) "Methods for mapping regional trends of HIV prevalence from
#' Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS)",
#' \emph{Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography}, n° 558,
#' \url{https://journals.openedition.org/cybergeo/24606},
#' DOI: 10.4000/cybergeo.24606
#' Larmarange Joseph (2007) \emph{Prévalences du VIH en Afrique : validité
#' d'une mesure}, PhD thesis in demography, directed by Benoît Ferry,
#' université Paris Descartes,
#' \url{https://theses.hal.science/tel-00320283}.
#' Larmarange Joseph, Vallo Roselyne, Yaro Seydou, Msellati Philippe Meda
#' Nicolas and Ferry Benoît (2006), "Cartographier les données des enquêtes
#' démographiques et de santé à partir des coordonnées des zones d'enquête",
#' \emph{Chaire Quételet, 29 novembre au 1er décembre 2006}, Université
#' Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' par(ask = TRUE)
#' # Creating an object of class prevR
#' col <- c(
#'   id = "cluster",
#'   x = "x",
#'   y = "y",
#'   n = "n",
#'   pos = "pos",
#'   c.type = "residence",
#'   wn = "weighted.n",
#'   wpos = "weighted.pos"
#' )
#' dhs <- as.prevR(fdhs.clusters, col, fdhs.boundary)
#' str(dhs)
#' print(dhs)
#' plot(dhs, main = "Clusters position")
#' plot(dhs, type = "c.type", main = "Clusters by residence")
#' plot(dhs, type = "count", main = "Observations by cluster")
#' plot(dhs, type = "flower", main = "Positive cases by cluster")
#' # Changing coordinates projection
#' plot(dhs, axes = TRUE)
#' dhs <- changeproj(
#'   dhs,
#'   "+proj=utm +zone=30 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
#' )
#' print(dhs)
#' plot(dhs, axes = TRUE)
#' # Calculating rings of equal number of observations for different values of N
#' dhs <- rings(dhs, N = c(100, 200, 300, 400, 500))
#' print(dhs)
#' summary(dhs)
#' # Prevalence surface for N=300
#' prev.N300 <- kde(dhs, N = 300, nb.cells = 200)
#' plot(
#'   prev.N300["k.wprev.N300.RInf"],
#'   pal = prevR.colors.red,
#'   lty = 0,
#'   main = "Regional trends of prevalence (N=300)"
#' )
#' # Smoothing ring radii surface (spatial interpolation by kriging)
#' radius.N300 <- krige("r.radius", dhs, N = 300, nb.cells = 200)
#' plot(
#'   radius.N300,
#'   pal = prevR.colors.blue,
#'   lty = 0,
#'   main = "Radius of circle (N=300)"
#' )
#' par(ask = FALSE)
#' }
#' @docType package
#' @name prevR-package
#' @keywords package
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb dev.new gray hsv
#' @importFrom graphics legend points rect sunflowerplot text title
#' @importFrom methods new show slot `slot<-` slotNames as
#' @importFrom stats na.omit optim quantile
#' @importFrom utils alarm de edit menu select.list
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar write.table

#' Fictitious data generated by a DHS simulation.
#' Data set generated by a Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) simulation on a
#' fictitious country with a national prevalence of 10\%, 8000 having been
#' surveyed, distributed in 401 clusters.
#' This dataset is composed of 3 objects:\itemize{
#'   \item \code{fdhs.clusters}: data frame (one line per cluster).
#'   \item \code{fdhs.boundary}: object of class
#'     [sp::SpatialPolygons-class] corresponding to the borders of the
#'     fictitious country.
#'   \item \code{fdhs}: object of class [prevR-class]
#'     returned by [as.prevR()] using the two previous objects.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' str(fdhs)
#' str(fdhs.clusters)
#' str(fdhs.boundary)
#' demo(prevR)
#' }
#' @name fdhs
#' @aliases fdhs.boundary fdhs.clusters
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets

#' Dataset "TM World Borders Dataset 0.3".
#' This dataset provides boundaries of all countries in the world,
#' in decimal degrees.
#' Available variables are:\itemize{
#'   \item "FIPS" FIPS 10-4 Country Code.
#'   \item "ISO2" ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code.
#'   \item "ISO3" ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Country Code.
#'   \item "UN" ISO 3166-1 Numeric-3 Country Code.
#'   \item "NAME" Name of country/area.
#'   \item "AREA" Land area, FAO Statistics (2002).
#'   \item "POP2005" Population, World Population Prospects (2005).
#'   \item "REGION" Macro geographical (continental region), UN Statistics.
#'   \item "SUBREGION" Geographical sub-region, UN Statistics.
#'   \item "LON" Longitude.
#'   \item "LAT" Latitude.
#' }
#' @format Object of class [sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame-class].
#' @source Provided by Bjorn Sandvik on
#' The dataset was derived by Schuyler Erle from public domain sources.
#' Sean Gilles did some clean up and made some enhancements. The dataset is
#' available under a \emph{Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License}
#' (\url{https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/}).
#' @note The boundaries, names designations used do not imply official
#' endorsement or acceptance by the authors. Use this dataset with care,
#' as several of the borders are disputed.
#' @examples
#' plot(TMWorldBorders["NAME"])
#' @name TMWorldBorders
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets spatial
larmarange/prevR documentation built on May 18, 2023, 3:50 a.m.