
#' Vectors of colors for figures
#' Creates different vectors of related colors that may be useful for figures.
#' @param set Character string indicating a set of colors.
#' @return Vector of character strings representing the chosen set of colors, in RGB.
#' @author Karl W Broman, \email{kbroman@@biostat.wisc.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_crayons}}
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' plot(0, 0, type="n", xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(0, 9), ylim=c(7.5, 0), yaxs="i",
#'      xaxt="n", yaxt="n", mar=c(0.6, 5.1, 0.6, 0.6), xaxs="i")
#' axis(side=2, at=1:7, c("general", "bg", "bgpng", "CC", "f2", "sex", "main"), las=1)
#' gen <- brocolors("general")
#' points(seq(along=gen), rep(1,length(gen)), pch=21, bg=gen, cex=4)
#' text(seq(along=gen), rep(c(0.55, 0.7), length(gen))[seq(along=gen)], names(gen))
#' points(1, 2, pch=21, bg=brocolors("bg"), cex=4)
#' points(1, 3, pch=21, bg=brocolors("bgpng"), cex=4)
#' CC <- brocolors("CC")
#' points(seq(along=CC), rep(4,length(CC)), pch=21, bg=CC, cex=4)
#' text(seq(along=CC), rep(3+c(0.55, 0.7), length(CC))[seq(along=CC)], names(CC))
#' f2 <- brocolors("f2")
#' points(seq(along=f2), rep(5,length(f2)), pch=21, bg=f2, cex=4)
#' text(seq(along=f2), rep(4.7, length(f2)), names(f2))
#' sex <- brocolors("sex")
#' points(seq(along=sex), rep(6,length(sex)), pch=21, bg=sex, cex=4)
#' text(seq(along=sex), rep(5.7, length(sex)), names(sex))
#' points(1, 7, pch=21, bg=brocolors("main"), cex=4)
#' @export

# Vectors of colors for figures
brocolors <-
  function(set=c("general", "bg", "bgpng", "CC", "f2", "sex", "main", "crayons"))
    general <- c('lightblue'  =rgb(102,203,254,maxColorValue=255),
                 'hotpink'    =rgb(254,  0,128,maxColorValue=255),
                 'pink'       =rgb(254,102,254,maxColorValue=255),
                 'green'      =rgb(102,254,102,maxColorValue=255),
                 'purple'     =rgb(128,  0,128,maxColorValue=255),
                 'yellow'     =rgb(254,203,102,maxColorValue=255),
                 'darkblue'   =rgb(  0,128,128,maxColorValue=255))
    bg <- rgb(24, 24, 24, maxColorValue=255)
    bgpng <- rgb(32, 32, 32, maxColorValue=255)
    # text
    text <- c('yellow'   =rgb(255, 255, 102, maxColorValue=255),
              'lightblue'=rgb(102, 204, 255, maxColorValue=255),
              'pink'    =rgb(255, 102, 255, maxColorValue=255))
    CC <- c("AJ"  =rgb(240,240,  0,maxColorValue=255),
            "B6"  =rgb(128,128,128,maxColorValue=255),
            "129" =rgb(240,128,128,maxColorValue=255),
            "NOD" =rgb( 16, 16,240,maxColorValue=255),
            "NZO" =rgb(  0,160,240,maxColorValue=255),
            "CAST"=rgb(  0,160,  0,maxColorValue=255),
            "PWK" =rgb(240,  0,  0,maxColorValue=255),
            "WSB" =rgb(144,  0,224,maxColorValue=255))
    f2 <- c(AA=as.character(CC[1]), AB=rgb(0, 200, 0, maxColorValue=255), BB=as.character(CC[5]))
    sex <- c(female=rgb(255,80,80, maxColorValue=255), male=as.character(CC[5]))
    main <- rgb(0, 64, 128, maxColorValue=255)
    crayons = c("Almond"="#efdecd",
                "Antique Brass"="#cd9575",
                "Atomic Tangerine"="#ffa474",
                "Banana Mania"="#fae7b5",
                "Blizzard Blue"="#ace5ee",
                "Blue Bell"="#a2a2d0",
                "Blue Gray"="#6699cc",
                "Blue Green"="#0d98ba",
                "Blue Violet"="#7366bd",
                "Brick Red"="#cb4154",
                "Burnt Orange"="#ff7f49",
                "Burnt Sienna"="#ea7e5d",
                "Cadet Blue"="#b0b7c6",
                "Caribbean Green"="#00CC99",
                "Carnation Pink"="#ffaacc",
                "Cotton Candy"="#ffbcd9",
                "Desert Sand"="#efcdb8",
                "Electric Lime"="#ceff1d",
                "Forest Green"="#6dae81",
                "Fuzzy Wuzzy"="#cc6666",
                "Granny Smith Apple"="#a8e4a0",
                "Green Blue"="#1164b4",
                "Green Yellow"="#f0e891",
                "Hot Magenta"="#ff1dce",
                "Jazzberry Jam"="#ca3767",
                "Jungle Green"="#3bb08f",
                "Laser Lemon"="#fefe22",
                "Lemon Yellow"="#fff44f",
                "Macaroni and Cheese"="#ffbd88",
                "Magic Mint"="#aaf0d1",
                "Mango Tango"="#ff8243",
                "Midnight Blue"="#1a4876",
                "Mountain Meadow"="#30ba8f",
                "Navy Blue"="#1974d2",
                "Neon Carrot"="#ffa343",
                "Olive Green"="#bab86c",
                "Orange Red"="#ff2b2b",
                "Orange Yellow"="#f8d568",
                "Outer Space"="#414a4c",
                "Outrageous Orange"="#ff6e4a",
                "Pacific Blue"="#1ca9c9",
                "Piggy Pink"="#fddde6",
                "Pine Green"="#158078",
                "Pink Flamingo"="#fc74fd",
                "Pink Sherbert"="#f78fa7",
                "Purple Heart"="#7442c8",
                "Purple Mountain's Majesty"="#9d81ba",
                "Purple Pizzazz"="#fe4eda",
                "Radical Red"="#ff496c",
                "Raw Sienna"="#d68a59",
                "Raw Umber"="#714b23",
                "Razzle Dazzle Rose"="#ff48d0",
                "Red Orange"="#ff5349",
                "Red Violet"="#c0448f",
                "Robin's Egg Blue"="#1fcecb",
                "Royal Purple"="#7851a9",
                "Screamin' Green"="#76ff7a",
                "Sea Green"="#93dfb8",
                "Shocking Pink"="#fb7efd",
                "Sky Blue"="#80daeb",
                "Spring Green"="#eceabe",
                "Sunset Orange"="#fd5e53",
                "Teal Blue"="#18a7b5",
                "Tickle Me Pink"="#fc89ac",
                "Tropical Rain Forest"="#17806d",
                "Turquoise Blue"="#77dde7",
                "Unmellow Yellow"="#ffff66",
                "Violet (Purple)"="#926eae",
                "Violet Blue"="#324ab2",
                "Violet Red"="#f75394",
                "Vivid Tangerine"="#ffa089",
                "Vivid Violet"="#8f509d",
                "Wild Blue Yonder"="#a2add0",
                "Wild Strawberry"="#ff43a4",
                "Wild Watermelon"="#fc6c85",
                "Yellow Green"="#c5e384",
                "Yellow Orange"="#ffae42")
lbianca/testkbroman documentation built on May 20, 2019, 10:24 p.m.