cicero: Cicero: some similarities with moustache's idea but designed...

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ciceroR Documentation

Cicero: some similarities with moustache's idea but designed to be LaTeX friendly, tiny and to allow mixing a bit of R code with templates (if x is a function)


Cicero: some similarities with moustache's idea but designed to be LaTeX friendly, tiny and to allow mixing a bit of R code with templates (if x is a function)


cicero(x, ...)



template with <<>> as delimiters, or a function


data (vectors) passed with the same name as the variable to be filled in tmpl. If missing lookup is made in the calling environment


data provided must have all the same length (otherwise recycling will act)


## Example with character template
tmp <- "Hi my name's  <<name>> \textbf{<<surname>>}.
Born on <<birthdate>>. Heigth <<heigth>>, weight <<weight>>."
cicero(x = tmp,
        name = "mario",
        heigth = 1.78,
        surname = "rossi",
        birthdate = '2013-10-10',
        weight = 80)
## Not run: 
cicero(x = tmp,
       strict = TRUE,
        name = "mario",
        heigth = c(1.78, 1.79),
        surname = "rossi",
        birthdate = '2013-10-10',
        weight = 80)

## End(Not run)
## Example with function as x
## a possible application for function argument: choose the
## template in runtime and fill it with proper data.
select <- function(name, surname, height, weight)
    tmpl1 <- "Hi, I'm  <<name>> <<surname>>. My bmi is ok: <<bmi>>."
    tmpl2 <- "Hi, I'm  <<name>> <<surname>>. My bmi is not ok: <<bmi>>."
    bmi <- weight/(height^2)
    if (bmi < 25) cicero(x = tmpl1, name = name, surname = surname, bmi = bmi)
    else cicero(x = tmpl2, name = name, surname = surname, bmi = bmi)
cicero(x = select,
        name = "mario", surname = "rossi",
        height = 1.78, weight = 82)

cicero(x = select,
        name = "mario", surname = "rossi",
        height = 1.78, weight = 75)

## cicero handles functions with argument ... as well
f_with_dots <- function(namefirst, ...){
    arglist <- list(...)
    res1 <-, arglist)
    res2 <-, rev(arglist))
    if (namefirst) res1 else res2
cicero(x = f_with_dots, namefirst = TRUE, name = "mario", surname = "rossi")
cicero(x = f_with_dots, namefirst = FALSE, name = "mario", surname = "rossi")

lbraglia/lbmisc documentation built on March 28, 2024, 10:03 a.m.