Man pages for ldiao/Gimp
Good-Turing and empirical Bayes pseudocounts for sparse count matrices

avg.transformAveraging transformation microbiome data microbiome data
eb.pseudoempirical Bayes adjustment of sparse counts matrix
eb.pseudo.sampleempirical Bayes adjustment of sparse counts vector
fac.momentcalculates the first two factorial moments of a numeric... model for average transformed counts
gt.pseudoGood-Turing adjustment of sparse counts matrix
gt.pseudo.sampleGood-Turing adjustment of sparse counts vector
pred.massGood-Turing frequency estimator
pred.mass.smoothSimple Good-Turing frequency estimator, smoothed
sim.countsDirichlet-multinomial counts simulation
sim.groupsDirichlet-multinomial case/control counts simulation
ldiao/Gimp documentation built on May 20, 2019, 11:29 p.m.