
Defines functions new_simple_lda_config load_lda_dataset load_lda_sampler create_lda_dataset sample_pclda sample_pclda_continue print_top_words extract_vocabulary extract_term_counts extract_doc_lengths get_alphabet get_theta_estimate get_z_means get_type_topics get_phi get_topwords get_top_relevance_words calculate_ttm_density get_log_likelihood get_held_out_log_likelihood run_gc

Documented in calculate_ttm_density create_lda_dataset extract_doc_lengths extract_term_counts extract_vocabulary get_alphabet get_held_out_log_likelihood get_log_likelihood get_phi get_theta_estimate get_top_relevance_words get_topwords get_type_topics get_z_means load_lda_dataset load_lda_sampler new_simple_lda_config print_top_words run_gc sample_pclda sample_pclda_continue

#' new_simple_lda_config
#' Create a new LDA config file
#' @param dataset_fn filename of dataset (in LDA format)
#' @param nr_topics number of topics to use
#' @param alpha symmetric alpha prior
#' @param beta symmetric beta prior
#' @param iterations number of iterations to sample
#' @param rareword_threshold min. number of occurences of a word to be kept
#' @param optim_interval how often to do hyperparameter optimization (default is off = -1)
#' @param stoplist_fn filenname of stoplist file (one word per line) (default "stoplist.txt")
#' @param topic_interval how often to print topic info during sampling
#' @param tmpdir temporary directory for intermediate storage of logging data (default "tmp")
#' @param topic_priors text file with 'prior spec' with one topic per line with format: <topic nr(zero idxed)>, <word1>, <word2>, etc
#' @importFrom rJava .jnew .jcall
#' @export
new_simple_lda_config <- function(dataset_fn, nr_topics = 20, alpha = 0.01,
                               beta = (nr_topics / 50), iterations = 2000,
                               rareword_threshold = 10, optim_interval = -1,
                               stoplist_fn = "stoplist.txt", topic_interval = 10,
                               tmpdir = "/tmp", topic_priors = "stoplist.txt") {
  lu <- .jnew("cc.mallet.util.LoggingUtils")
  #SimpleLDAConfiguration(LoggingUtils logUtil, String scheme,
  #                       Integer noTopics, Double alpha, Double beta, Integer noIters,
  #                       Integer noBatches, Integer rareThreshold, Integer topicInterval,
  #                       Integer startDiagnostic, int seed, String datasetFn)
  slc <- .jnew("cc.mallet.configuration.SimpleLDAConfiguration")
  alpha <- .jnew("java.lang.Double",alpha)
  beta <- .jnew("java.lang.Double",beta)
  iters <- .jnew("java.lang.Integer",as.integer(iterations))
  rare <- .jnew("java.lang.Integer",as.integer(rareword_threshold))
  ti <- .jnew("java.lang.Integer",as.integer(topic_interval))
  di <- .jnew("java.lang.Integer",as.integer(90))
  btc <- .jnew("java.lang.Integer",as.integer(5))
  hpo <- .jnew("java.lang.Integer",as.integer(topic_interval))


#' load_lda_dataset
#' Load an LDA dataset from file. The file should be in LDA format i.e.:
#' <unique id>\\t<doc class>\\t<document content>\\n)
#' The document class is not used in by the LDA sampler. Each line
#' must be concluded with a newline so all other newlines in the
#' document must be removed. The document content CAN have \\t in it.
#' @param fn filename of dataset
#' @param ldaconfig LDA config object
#' @importFrom rJava .jnew .jcall .jcast
#' @export
load_lda_dataset <- function(fn, ldaconfig) {
  util <- .jnew("cc.mallet.util.LDAUtils")
  ds <- .jcall(util,"Lcc/mallet/types/InstanceList;","loadDataset",

#' load_lda_sampler
#' Load an LDA sampler from file.
#' @param ldaconfig LDA config object
#' @param ds LDA dataset
#' @param store_dir directory name containing stored sampler
#' @importFrom rJava .jnew .jcall .jcast
#' @export
load_lda_sampler <- function(ldaconfig, ds, store_dir="stored_samplers") {
  util <- .jnew("cc.mallet.util.LDAUtils")

  # Load the stored sampler
  ss <- .jcall(util,"Lcc/mallet/topics/LDASamplerWithPhi;","loadStoredSampler",

  samplerType <- .jcall(.jcall(ss,"Ljava/lang/Class;","getClass"),"Ljava/lang/String;", "getName")

  # Create the new sampler
  lcfg <- .jcast(ldaconfig,"cc.mallet.configuration.LDAConfiguration")
  ex <- tryCatch(lda <- .jnew(samplerType, lcfg), NullPointerException = function(ex) ex)

  # Init the new sampler from the stored sampler

  # Return the new initialized sampler

#' create_lda_dataset
#' Create an LDA dataset from existing string vector. Each entry
#' in the vector must be a string with the following format:
#' <unique id>\\t<doc class>\\t<document content>
#' The document class is not used in by the LDA sampler.
#' The document content CAN have \\t in it.
#' @param train string vector with document data
#' @param test string vector with test document data
#' @param stoplist_fn filiename of stoplist file
#' @importFrom rJava .jnew .jcall .jarray
#' @export
create_lda_dataset <- function(train, test = NULL, stoplist_fn = "stoplist.txt") {
  stringIterator <- .jnew("cc.mallet.util.StringClassArrayIterator", train)
  util <- .jnew("cc.mallet.util.LDAUtils")
  pipe <- .jcall(util,"Lcc/mallet/pipe/Pipe;","buildSerialPipe", stoplist_fn,
                 .jcast(.jnull(),"cc.mallet.types.Alphabet"), TRUE)

  il <- .jnew("cc.mallet.types.InstanceList",pipe)
  .jcall(il,"V","addThruPipe", .jcast(stringIterator,"java.util.Iterator"))

  if(!is.null(test)) {
    stringIterator <- .jnew("cc.mallet.util.StringClassArrayIterator", test)
    trainAlphabet <- .jcall(il,"Lcc/mallet/types/Alphabet;","getAlphabet")
    testPipe <- .jcall(util,"Lcc/mallet/pipe/Pipe;","buildSerialPipe", stoplist_fn,
                       trainAlphabet, TRUE)
    iltest <- .jnew("cc.mallet.types.InstanceList",testPipe)
    .jcall(iltest,"V","addThruPipe", .jcast(stringIterator,"java.util.Iterator"))
    return(list(train=il, test=iltest))


#' sample_pclda
#' Run the PCLDA (default Polya Urn) sampler
#' @param ldaconfig LDA config object
#' @param ds LDA dataset
#' @param iterations number of iterations to run
#' @param samplerType Java class of the sampler. Must implement the LDASampler interface
#' @param testset If give, the left-to-right held out log likelihood will be calculated on this dataset
#' @param save_sampler booean indicating that the sampler should be saved to file after finishing (default TRUE)
#' @importFrom rJava .jnew .jcall .jarray .jcast .jnull
#' @export
sample_pclda <- function(ldaconfig, ds, iterations = 2000,
                         testset = NULL, save_sampler=TRUE) {
  lcfg <- .jcast(ldaconfig,"cc.mallet.configuration.LDAConfiguration")
  ex <- tryCatch(lda <- .jnew(samplerType,lcfg), NullPointerException = function(ex) ex)
  #lda <- .jnew("cc.mallet.topics.SpaliasUncollapsedParallelLDA",.jcast(slc,"cc.mallet.configuration.LDAConfiguration"))
  .jcall(lda,"V", "addInstances", ds)
  if(!is.null(testset)) {
    .jcall(lda,"V", "addTestInstances", testset)

  .jcall(lda,"V", "sample", as.integer(iterations))

  if(save_sampler) {
    sampler_dir <- J("cc.mallet.configuration.LDAConfiguration")$STORED_SAMPLER_DIR_DEFAULT
    samplerFolder <- .jcall(ldaconfig,"S","getSavedSamplerDirectory",sampler_dir)
    util <- .jnew("cc.mallet.util.LDAUtils")

#' sample_pclda_continue
#' continue sampling using a trained sampler
#' @param lda LDA sampler
#' @param iterations how many iterations to sample
#' @importFrom rJava .jcall
#' @export
sample_pclda_continue <- function(lda,  iterations = 2000) {
  .jcall(lda,"V", "sample", as.integer(iterations))


#' print_top_words
#' Print the 'top words' from a sampled word matrix
#' obtained using 'get_topwords(lda)'
#' @param word_matrix top word matrix
#' @importFrom rJava .jnew .jcall
#' @export
print_top_words <- function(word_matrix) {
  util <- .jnew("cc.mallet.util.LDAUtils")
  return(util$formatTopWords(.jarray(word_matrix,dispatch = T)))

#' extract_vocabulary
#' Extract the vocabulary as a string vector from an MALLET Alphabet
#' @param alphabet Java MALLET Alphabet object, obtained by 'get_alphabet(lda)'
#' @importFrom rJava .jnew .jcall
#' @export
extract_vocabulary <- function(alphabet) {
  util <- .jnew("cc.mallet.util.LDAUtils")
  return(.jcall(util,"[S", "extractVocabulaty", alphabet))

#' extract_term_counts
#' Extract how many times each word occurs. Same order as the vocabulary
#' @param instances the dataset to query
#' @importFrom rJava .jnew .jcall
#' @export
extract_term_counts <- function(instances) {
  util <- .jnew("cc.mallet.util.LDAUtils")
  return(.jcall(util,"[I", "extractTermCounts", instances))

#' extract_doc_lengths
#' Extract the the number of tokens in each document. Same order as the documents
#' @param instances the dataset to query
#' @importFrom rJava .jnew .jcall
#' @export
extract_doc_lengths <- function(instances) {
  util <- .jnew("cc.mallet.util.LDAUtils")
  return(.jcall(util,"[I", "extractDocLength", instances))

#' get_alphabet
#' Get the Alphabet (as a java object) from an LDA sampler
#' @param lda LDA sampler object
#' @importFrom rJava .jnew .jcall
#' @export
get_alphabet <- function(lda) {

#' get_theta_estimate
#' Get an estimate of the document topic distribution
#' (the theta matrix) from an LDA sampler
#' @param lda LDA sampler object
#' @importFrom rJava .jcall
#' @export
get_theta_estimate <- function(lda) {
  theta  <- .jcall(lda,"[[D","getThetaEstimate",simplify = TRUE)

#' get_z_means
#' Get the mean of the topic indicators from an LDA sampler
#' @param lda LDA sampler object
#' @importFrom rJava .jcall
#' @export
get_z_means <- function(lda) {
  zb  <- .jcall(lda,"[[D","getZbar",simplify = TRUE)

#' get_type_topics
#' Get the type/topic matrix from and LDA sampler
#' @param lda LDA sampler object
#' @importFrom rJava .jcall
#' @export
get_type_topics <- function(lda) {
  ttm  <- .jcall(lda,"[[I","getTypeTopicMatrix",simplify = TRUE)

#' get_phi
#' Get the word/topic distribution (phi matrix) from an LDA sampler
#' @param lda LDA sampler object
#' @importFrom rJava .jcall
#' @export
get_phi <- function(lda) {
  phi  <- .jcall(lda,"[[D","getPhi",simplify = TRUE)

#' get_topwords
#' Get the top words per topic from an LDA sampler
#' @param lda LDA sampler object
#' @param nr_words number of top words per topic to retrieve
#' @importFrom rJava .jnew .jcall .jarray
#' @export
get_topwords <- function(lda,nr_words=20) {
  util <- .jnew("cc.mallet.util.LDAUtils")
  alph <- .jcall(lda,"Lcc/mallet/types/Alphabet;","getAlphabet")
  typeTopicMatrix  <- .jcall(lda,"[[I","getTypeTopicMatrix", simplify = TRUE)
  alphSize <- .jcall(alph,"I", "size")
  nrTopics <- .jcall(lda,"I","getNoTopics")
  tw <- .jcall(util,"[[Ljava/lang/String;", "getTopWords",
               .jarray(typeTopicMatrix,dispatch = T),
               alph,simplify = TRUE)

#' get_top_relevance_words
#' Get the 'top relevance words' (weighted version of top words)
#' per topic from an LDA sampler
#' @param lda LDA sampler object
#' @param config LDA config object
#' @param nr_words number of top words per topic to retrieve
#' @param lambda lambda value when calculating the relevance
#' @importFrom rJava .jnew .jcall .jarray
#' @export
get_top_relevance_words <- function(lda,config,nr_words=20, lambda=0.6) {
  util <- .jnew("cc.mallet.util.LDAUtils")
  alph <- .jcall(lda,"Lcc/mallet/types/Alphabet;","getAlphabet")
  typeTopicMatrix <- .jcall(lda,"[[I","getTypeTopicMatrix", simplify = TRUE)
  alphSize <- .jcall(alph,"I", "size")
  nrTopics <- .jcall(lda,"I","getNoTopics")
  betaD <- .jcall(config,"Ljava/lang/Double;","getBeta",as.numeric(0.01))
  beta <- .jcall(betaD,"D","doubleValue")
  rw <- .jcall(util,"[[Ljava/lang/String;", "getTopRelevanceWords",
                .jarray(typeTopicMatrix,dispatch = T),
               simplify = TRUE)

#' calculate_ttm_density
#' Calculate the density (sparsity) of the type topic matrix
#' @param typeTopicMatrix type topic matrix, obtained by 'get_type_topics(lda)'
#' @importFrom rJava .jcall .jarray
#' @export
calculate_ttm_density <- function(typeTopicMatrix) {
  util <- .jnew("cc.mallet.util.LDAUtils")
  return(.jcall(util,"D", "calculateMatrixDensity",.jarray(typeTopicMatrix,dispatch = T)))

#' get_log_likelihood
#' Extract the log likelihood for each iteration
#' @param lda the trained lda model
#' @importFrom rJava .jcall
#' @export
get_log_likelihood <- function(lda) {
  ll  <- .jcall(lda,"[D","getLogLikelihood",simplify = TRUE)

#' get_held_out_log_likelihood
#' Extract the heldo log likelihood for each iteration. The sampler must have
#' been run with a test set
#' @param lda the trained lda model
#' @importFrom rJava .jcall
#' @export
get_held_out_log_likelihood <- function(lda) {
  ll  <- .jcall(lda,"[D","getHeldOutLogLikelihood",simplify = TRUE)

#' run_gc
#' Runs the garbage collectors in both R (first) and Java
#' @param ... any arguments to gc
#' @importFrom rJava J
#' @export
run_gc <- function(...) {
lejon/pcldar documentation built on Feb. 23, 2020, 3:11 p.m.