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SNAPverse R package ecosystem development frozen.

Development of the SNAPverse R package ecosystem has been frozen indefinitely. This project was never directly funded. I began it out of personal interest, but no longer work for SNAP. It will remain archived here for historical reference.

apputils is an R package containing common utilty functions, settings and references for development use across multiple Shiny apps. It has a shinydashboard focus. apputils is a satellite member of the SNAPverse collection of R packages. It supports other satellites in the verse, including maputils and snaputils.


Package functionality and areas of support covered by apputils include:


You can install maputils from github with:

# install.packages('devtools')


The complete set of satellite packages is shown below.

Complete package reference and function documentation

leonawicz/apputils documentation built on May 13, 2019, 1:38 a.m.