Man pages for leonpheng/lhtool

addtimeAdd time in hour to calendar date/time
addvarDerived 1 variable and 1 function
addvar2Derived more variables and functions
AUCCalculate AUC Using the Trapezoidal Method
blk.locf2Ben's function
broundbround Table function
chclassChange variable class
cilowcilow Table function
ciupciup Table function internal use.
cov_fnCovariate plots function
cov_plotstemplate for Covariate plots
croundRound up
cround1Rounding as per Excel Internal use
cvcv Table function
diftmCompute delta using calendar date and time
dup1Filter unique duplicated row
dup2Filter all duplicated rows
duprowCheck duplicates
findifffind different values between two datasets
format_timeReformat calendar date/time
geocvgeocv Table function
geomgeom Table function
gof_plotstemplate for GOF
hl1cptOne compartment micro constants and HL
hl2cptTwo compartment micro constants and HL
hl3cptThree compartment micro constants and HL
indiv.tabIndividual table with descriptive statse
lhcattabFuntion for Descriptove Stats of Categorical Covariate
lhcutCut values and create category
lhfactorChange factor level of a variable using matched level of...
lhjoinlhjoin funtion Join two datasets and print report of joining...
lhlongReshape long
lhmerge_long_datamerge and make long to wide data frame
lhmerge_wide_datamerge wide data frames
lhmutatemutate variable names
lhorderlhorder funtion
lhseekLook for keyword across dataset
lhtablhtab funtion
lhvpc_statCompute VPC stats
lhwideReshape wide
locf2LOCF and LOCB
m6BLQ M6 Method
nca.calDerive Common NCA parameters using single and multiple...
nmissnmiss Table function internal use.
nodupNo duplicate
reflagReflag variables
rt2tadDerive TAD from RTIME
sese Table function internal use.
sigfigSignificant figure
sigfig1Significant figure
stackvarCombine variables in the same column
tabQuick table
tad_addlTAD from ADDL
tadRTDerive TAD and RTIME
txttxt funtion
vpc_plotstemplate for VPC
leonpheng/lhtool documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 3:52 a.m.